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Could not deduce (Eq a), adding Eq to typeclass



I'm quite new to Haskell, and I ran into this bug when trying to compile Frag.

    Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of `/='
    from the context (VectorSpace v a)
      bound by the class declaration for `VectorSpace'
      at src/AFRPVectorSpace.hs:(32,1)-(53,23)
    Possible fix:
      add (Eq a) to the context of
        the class declaration for `VectorSpace'
    In the expression: nv /= 0
    In the expression:
      if nv /= 0 then v ^/ nv else error "normalize: zero vector"
    In an equation for `normalize':
        normalize v
          = if nv /= 0 then v ^/ nv else error "normalize: zero vector"
              nv = norm v

Relevent code:

class Floating a => VectorSpace v a | v -> a where
    zeroVector   :: v
    (*^)         :: a -> v -> v
    (^/)         :: v -> a -> v
    negateVector :: v -> v
    (^+^)        :: v -> v -> v
    (^-^)        :: v -> v -> v
    dot          :: v -> v -> a
    norm     :: v -> a
    normalize    :: v -> v

    v ^/ a = (1/a) *^ v

    negateVector v = (-1) *^ v

    v1 ^-^ _ = v1 ^+^ v1 -- (negateVector v2)

    norm v = sqrt (v `dot` v)

    normalize v = if nv /= 0 then v ^/ nv else error "normalize: zero vector"
        nv = norm v

My first guess is that I need to add a Deriving Eq or something of that sort, but I'm not sure what exactly I need to do.

like image 979
benj Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 12:12


2 Answers

I'd guess you'd need to have class (Eq a,Floating a) => VectorSpace v a | v -> a if you want to use /= for a in your default implementations.

Second alternative is to remove normalize from the class and make it an ordinary function instead.

Third alternative is to add the constraint to the type of the normalize, making it Eq a => v -> v.

like image 144
aleator Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 03:12


Prior to ghc 7.4.1, the Num a class had Eq a constraint, so any Num a also had Eq a. Floating a has a constraint Num a, so therefore anything Floating a was also Eq a.

However, this changed with 7.4.1, where the Eq a constraint (as well as the Show a constraint) was removed from the Num class. This is why the code isn't working anymore.

So the solution to the problem is exactly what aleator gave: Add the Eq a constraint explicitly to the VectorSpace class.

Alternatively, you may want to download an older version of ghc (eg 6.8 based on the wiki notes). That version should compile the program without any changes. Then you can update the code to get it working with a newer version of ghc if you so desire.

like image 36
David Miani Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 03:12

David Miani