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CouchDB a real world example



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What is CouchDB used for?

CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database based on common standards to facilitate Web accessibility and compatibility with a variety of devices. NoSQL databases are useful for very large sets of distributed data, especially for the large amounts of non-uniform data in various formats that is characteristic of big data.

Which programming language is used for CouchDB?

CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database developed by Apache software foundation. It is written in Erlang programming language.

How popular is CouchDB?

CouchDB is 39th and comes in as the fourth most popular document-oriented NoSQL database.

The upcoming book by O'Reilly is free to read online: http://books.couchdb.org/relax/

Just install and play around - you can do straight http requests using curl on the command line, or use the built-in web interface called futon.

Storing and retrieving data is really easy, the hardest part is thinking in terms of map/reduce-views instead of sql queries.

IBM has a great tutorial, making use of curl to read/write via the REST interface.

Your application is quite easy to do with CouchDB. You would have a database per user. Contacts are simply documents in a particular user's database. CRUD is just talking to the database using HTTP. You could create views that emit keys (last name, first name) to allow for sorting.

For powerful search I would recommend couchdb-lucene.