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Which database out of CouchDB, MongoDB and Redis is good for starting out with Node.js?

I'm getting more into Node.js and am enjoying it. I'm moving more into web application development.

I have wrapped my head around Node.js and currently using Backbone for the front end. I'm making a few applications that uses Backbone to communicate with the server using a RESTful API. In Node.js, I will be using the Express framework.

I'm reaching a point where I need a simple database on the server. I'm used to PostgreSQL and MySQL with Django, but what I'm needing here is some simple data storage etc. I know about CouchDB, MongoDB and Redis, but I'm just not sure which one to use?

Is any one of them better suited for Node.js? Is any one of them better for beginners, moving from relational databases? I'm just needing some guidance on which to choose, I've come this far, but when it's coming to these sort of databases, I'm just not sure...

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littlejim84 Avatar asked Jun 28 '11 14:06


People also ask

Which database is best with node js?

“Node. js can only be used with MongoDB (which is the most popular NoSQL database).”

Is MongoDB good for node JS?

Node and MongoDB work very-well together, in part because Mongo uses a JavaScript engine built into the database since JavaScript is good at handling JSON objects. Compared to other databases, such as MySQL, MongoDB is fast for storing certain types of data and can be automatically scaled.

Which is better MongoDB or CouchDB?

MongoDB is faster than CouchDB. MongoDB provides faster read speeds. It follows the Map/Reduce query method. It follows Map/Reduce creating a collection and object-based query language.

Which kind of database can node js support Choose the best answer?

Node. js supports all kinds of databases (relational and non-relational), and when paired with the right database, Node. js can power a variety of different data use cases.

1 Answers

Is any one of them better suited for Node JS?

Better suited especially for node.js probably no, but each of them is better suited for certain scenarios based on your application needs or use cases.

Redis is an advanced key-value store and probably the fastest one among the three NoSQL solutions. Besides basic key data manipulation it supports rich data structures such as lists, sets, hashes or pub/sub functionality which can be really handy, namely in statistics or other real-time madness. It however lacks some sort of querying language.

CouchDB is document oriented store which is very durable, offers MVCC, REST interface, great replication system and map-reduce querying. It can be used for wide area of scenarios and substitute your RDBMS, however if you are used to ad hoc SQL queries then you may have certain problems with it's map-reduce views.

MongoDB is also document oriented store like CouchDB and it supports ad hoc querying besides map-reduce which is probably one of the crucial features why people searching for DRBMS substitution choose MongoDB over the other NoSQL solutions.

Is any one of them better for beginners, moving from relational databases?

Since you are coming from the RDBMS world and you are probably used to SQL then, I think, you should go with the Mongodb because, unlike Redis or CouchDB, it supports ad hoc queries and the querying mechanism is similar to SQL. However there may be areas, depending on your application scenarios, where Redis or CouchDB may be better suited to do the job.

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yojimbo87 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10
