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CORS issue when getting a token in Azure AD B2C (Implict Flow)

We are trying to implement Azure AD B2C authentication with a web app using implict flow. We can login and successfully get redirected to the correct url which includes the correct items on the redirect url (id_token&code). However, as this article suggests (https://github.com/Azure/azure-content/blob/master/articles/active-directory-b2c/active-directory-b2c-reference-oidc.md#get-a-token) the app then needs to perform a xhr POST request to the token endpoint to retrieve a token for a resource (web api) the app needs to interact with. However, when I try and do an XHR POST to that token endpoint (https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token?p=b2c_1_signinpolicy) the browser (quite rightly) performs a preflight check (an OPTIONS call) to determine if it can call the endpoint as it is on a different domain. The OPTION call works but it does not contain the required headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin) for the browser to allow the POST call to the endpoint.

Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

Any help appreciated!


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Jon Avatar asked Dec 10 '15 11:12


1 Answers

The Azure AD auth endpoints (B2C or otherwise) don't support CORS, nor will they ever.

For Javascript apps, we use the implicit flow with response_type=token or response_type=id_token to get tokens directly from the authorize endpoint - no CORS necessary. Feel free to try it out, it should work just fine.

The reason we say Javascript apps are unsupported right now is because after one hour, the id_token/access_token you get using this method will expire. And we don't have a way to refresh/get a new token silently. This means in the best case, your Javascript app will have to redirect to AAD every hour.

We don't think that's acceptable, so we're working on a feature that will solve this problem. But for now we'll continue to call Javascript apps unsupported.

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dstrockis Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10
