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Correct typeScript Type for vue3 setup() arguments

I'm using vue3 with typescript, and I'm using composition API.

export default {
    setup(props, context) {

This throws an error as follows

Failed to compile.

TS7006: Parameter 'props' implicitly has an 'any' type.
    18 |
    19 | export default {
  > 20 |     setup(props, context) {
       |           ^^^^^

I know this can be fixed by making props, context of type any, but that will defeat the purpose of TypeScript.

VS Code intellisense showing me the following type, but I'm not able to find the module from these type are exported.

setup?: ((this: void, props: {}, ctx: SetupContext<EmitsOptions>) => void | RenderFunction

What is the correct Type for the setup function, and from where it is exported ?.

like image 762
B45i Avatar asked Apr 03 '21 04:04


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1 Answers

The props can not be inferred because you forget to use defineComponent method to create your component. To resolve this issue and let props to be infrared by Vue you need to wrap your whole object which you are exporting in defineComponent method.

More about defineComponent

The <script lang="ts"> part of example Vue 3 composition API component should look like that:

export default defineComponent({
  name: "PersonComponent",
  props: {
    firstName: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    lastName: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    age: {
      type: Number,
      required: true
    setup(props) {
    const firstName = props.firstName;
    const lastName = props.lastName;
    const age = props.age;
    return {

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enter image description here

For more complexd types such as interfaces you need to use Object as PropType<T> (Object as PropType<IconProps>). More about PropType<T>

like image 119
Krzysztof Kaczyński Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Krzysztof Kaczyński