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What is the Typescript type to accept any kind of React Component as prop?

I have a component that can accept another component as a prop.

Very simplified example:

interface Props {
  Comp: React.ComponentClass<unknown> | React.SFC<unknown>

const MyComp: React.FC<props> = ({ Comp }) => {
  return React.createElement(Comp)

What would be the most simple type for Comp that accepts functional components, class based components, etc?

The type definition of createElement makes it look rather complicated https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/react/v16/index.d.ts#L286

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kioopi Avatar asked Feb 28 '21 18:02


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What is the type of props in React TypeScript?

React has its own, built-in way of type checking called “prop types”. Together with TypeScript this provides a full, end-to-end type-checking experience: Compiler and run-time.

What is TypeScript type for React component?

Within TypeScript, React.Component is a generic type (aka React.Component<PropType, StateType> ), so you want to provide it with (optional) prop and state type parameters: type MyProps = { // using `interface` is also ok message: string; }; type MyState = { count: number; // like this }; class App extends React.

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By invoking them between the opening and closing tags of a JSX element, you can use React children for entering data into a component. The React children prop is an important concept for creating reusable components because it allows components to be constructed together.

How to pass React components as a prop in typescript?

Want to pass React components down as a prop in TypeScript? Use React.ReactNode type definition. There's other ways, but this is a better solution. pic.twitter.com/6jjADp1Fnr First, if you’re looking to become an expert React developer for 2021, you might want to look into Wes Bos, Advanced React course for just $97.00 (30% off).

What is react componenttype?

React.ComponentType? React.ReactNode? React.ComponentType<P> is the type for either a class component ( React.ComponentClass<P>) or function component ( React.FunctionComponent<P> aka React.FC<P>) which takes props P. (FYI, React.ReactNode and React.ReactElement are the types for the JSX returned by the component - not for a callable component)

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PropTypes provide built-in typechecking capabilities when writing a React app. Checking the type of prop in a React component in a large application helps catch bugs at run-time. Typically in a React app, you will need to install the package yarn add prop-types.

Should I use props or interfaces for my React component library?

If you go and explore the type definition files for the most popular React re-usable component libraries you will notice that most of them use interfaces for props instead, so you could conclude that this is the globally accepted community approach for some reason.

1 Answers


React.ComponentType<P> is the type for either a class component (React.ComponentClass<P>) or function component (React.FunctionComponent<P> aka React.FC<P>) which takes props P.

(FYI, React.ReactNode and React.ReactElement are the types for the JSX returned by the component - not for a callable component)

Typing Comp's Props

You do not want to use <unknown> in your Props type. You want to declare that the component requires only the props which you are providing when you call React.createElement(Comp) (you call also use JSX and return <Comp/>). In this case you are providing no props, so it would be React.ComponentType<{}> or just React.ComponentType since {} is the default for P.

interface Props {
  Comp: React.ComponentType;

const MyComp: React.FC<Props> = ({ Comp }) => {
  return <Comp />

with some props:

interface Props {
  Comp: React.ComponentType<{someKey: string}>;

const MyComp: React.FC<Props> = ({ Comp }) => {
  return <Comp someKey="someValue" />

You will get an error if you call Comp without providing someKey, which is good! You don't get that error when calling React.createElement(Comp) because for some reason the props argument is optional. So in my opinion the JSX approach is better.

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Linda Paiste Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 01:10

Linda Paiste