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cordova plugin add external .aar file (not .jar)

I am writing a plugin to use the native android SDK of filepicker https://github.com/Ink/filepicker-android.

On maven central, they only provide an .aar file (http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Cio.filepicker%7Cfilepicker-android%7C3.8.13%7Caar) and not a .jar.

If I add this line in my config.xml <source-file src="src/android/filepicker-android-3.8.13.aar" target-dir="libs/" />

the file is copy in libs but not included in the class path during the build via cordova build, so the build failed.

what is the best solution to include a third party library with aar files?

Thank you for your help

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dbaq Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 13:11


1 Answers

After cordova project creation, adding platform, adding plugin is done.

Lets say the aar file are copied in libs folder. ( assume file name is cards.aar )

then in app build.gradle specify following and click sync project with Gradle files.

repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } }

dependencies { compile(name:'cards', ext:'aar') }

It works for me!! but one drawback of this solution is .. you need to open the project from platform folder on Android Studio and add the above lines to your build.gradle

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Sathis Kumar Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Sathis Kumar