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Cordova: Is it possible to have different app IDs for android and ios platforms?

Let's say I have a Cordova application with an id of com.StackOverflowExample.MyQuestion, which I created with Cordova 3 using the CLI (cordova create). I have added iOS and Android platforms for my app, and have submitted the app to Apple and to Google Play. Now, however, after submitting my app to Play, I seem to have misplaced my password for the keystore I used to sign my APK file. I have tried everything, and there is no way I will recover it.

Because Google Play does not allow me to sign a subsequent APK submitted to Play under the same app ID as a prior APK signed by a different keystore, I know I need to create a new app ID and start over in Android. I realize this will require my users to download a new application, but I have no other choice at this point.

What I would like to avoid, is having this problem spill over into Apple, where I have already created all of my certificates, provisioning profiles, keys, signing requests, etc. and uploaded an IPA with a bundle identifier the same as the app ID of the first APK I submitted to Google Play.

By default, when using the CLI, Cordova adds whatever platforms you specify using a single app ID, which you supply when you run cordova create.

What I'd like to know is: Is it possible, when running cordova platform add to add a new platform under a custom app ID, and, as a result, to have different platforms have different app IDs within the same Cordova application?

like image 775
Morris Singer Avatar asked Sep 28 '13 17:09

Morris Singer

People also ask

Does Apple accept Cordova apps?

Apple can reject any application for any reason. People using hybrid technologies like Cordova may run into this problem if they don't actually use the device features Cordova gives them access to.

Is Cordova a hybrid app?

Apache Cordova enables software programmers to build hybrid web applications for mobile devices using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript, instead of relying on platform-specific APIs like those in Android, iOS, or Windows Phone.

Is Cordova outdated?

Apache Cordova Is Retired: Alternatives for Cross Platform Mobile Development in 2022. Future trends of cross-platform mobile development are already starting to emerge, and it appears that Apache Cordova won't be included in the list of frameworks that power hybrid web apps for mobile devices.

What kind of platform is Cordova?

Cordova is a platform for building hybrid mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

1 Answers

This is now built into CLI (finally):

In you your config.xml file-





like image 101
tabrindle Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
