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Cordova CLI: Mismatch of CPU architecture

I've been searching through CLI docs, SO questions, Cordova issues and more for quite some time, but I'm stumped.

So I've created a simple Cordova app for Android using Crosswalk (cordova create, cordova platform add android, cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview, cordova build android, nothing fancy). This, by default, generates a bunch of apk's on cordova build which is fine.

But then cordova run android --device installs the arm64 apk which crashes at startup on my device with the message Mismatch of CPU Architecture - with a button to the store to GET CROSSWALK - which is not what I want.

I'd like to instruct cordova run android --device to install and run the armv7 apk, which runs perfectly fine if installed manually via adb install. How can I do this?

  • cordova v8.0.0
  • cordova-android v7.0.0
  • cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview v2.4.0


  • this is for a debug build for local development, not for release.
  • using cordova-android@6.4.0 instead of 7.0.0 works fine, it installs the correct apk.

Thank you!

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Teodor Sandu Avatar asked Apr 02 '18 10:04

Teodor Sandu

2 Answers

Crosswalk git repository report same issue: https://github.com/crosswalk-project/cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview/issues/203

Some user has resolved by open android studio and change default architecture, but i dont know what cordova suitable settings or configurations android studio change with that.

I solved the problem. I found that the plugin works correctly in my case. The problem was with the Android Studio. Android Studio 3.0.1 uses arm64Debug by default. To solve this problem I have taken the following steps in the Android Studio:

  • click on the app Build
  • Select Build Variant
  • Select armv7Debug

Hope it helps.

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Frix33 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09


I've resolved this issue follow @Mtz recommendation:

1) Install https://github.com/MBuchalik/cordova-build-architecture plugin adding to config.xml like this

<plugin name="cordova-build-architecture" spec="https://github.com/MBuchalik/cordova-build-architecture.git#v1.0.4" source="git" />

2) Add this preference to android section in config.xml:

<preference default="arm" name="buildArchitecture" />


cordova clean
cordova build (This step only generates one apk, armv7)
cordova run --devices

The run command will install only armv7 version, remember to remove all apk from your device before trying this

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Jorge Granados Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09

Jorge Granados