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copyright character in vim

I used to get this copyright symbol in vim earlier through some keys' combination. Can someone help me with it now? I simply fail to recollect it.

Also, if possible, share some more of such characters... someone might need it sometime.

like image 962
Shree Avatar asked Apr 08 '09 13:04


People also ask

How do I type the copyright symbol in Linux?

Just search for 'copyright' and take you pick.. Here is a link for general interest (or boredom :) In KDE, Ctrl-Shift-U then release all keys, then type 00a9 and space.

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While in insert mode, you can insert special characters in Vim by pressing <ctrl-k> followed by a two-character lookup code. For example, <ctrl-k> ? 2 will insert the approximately equal symbol: ≈ .

1 Answers


shows the list of digraphs you can use. I see the copyright symbol as number 169, which has a key combo of "Co". To recreate that in edit mode, hit Ctrl+k, then type "Co", and you should have a copyright symbol.

like image 109
whaley Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
