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Copying PostgreSQL database to another server

I'm looking to copy a production PostgreSQL database to a development server. What's the quickest, easiest way to go about doing this?

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Robin Barnes Avatar asked Aug 06 '09 08:08

Robin Barnes

People also ask

How do you copy data from one database to another database in Postgres?

First, make sure you are connected with both DataSources in Data Grip. Select Source Table and press F5 or (Right-click -> Select Copy Table to.) This will show you a list of all tables (you can also search using a table name in the popup window). Just select your target and press OK.

1 Answers

You don't need to create an intermediate file. You can do

pg_dump -C -h localhost -U localuser dbname | psql -h remotehost -U remoteuser dbname 


pg_dump -C -h remotehost -U remoteuser dbname | psql -h localhost -U localuser dbname 

using psql or pg_dump to connect to a remote host.

With a big database or a slow connection, dumping a file and transfering the file compressed may be faster.

As Kornel said there is no need to dump to a intermediate file, if you want to work compressed you can use a compressed tunnel

pg_dump -C dbname | bzip2 | ssh  remoteuser@remotehost "bunzip2 | psql dbname" 


pg_dump -C dbname | ssh -C remoteuser@remotehost "psql dbname" 

but this solution also requires to get a session in both ends.

Note: pg_dump is for backing up and psql is for restoring. So, the first command in this answer is to copy from local to remote and the second one is from remote to local. More -> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/app-pgdump.html

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Ferran Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
