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Can I have multiple primary keys in a single table?

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Can one table have multiple primary keys?

Each table can only have one primary key. Access can automatically create a primary key field for you when you create a table, or you can specify the fields that you want to use as the primary key.

Can a table have 3 primary keys?

A table can only ever have a one primary key. It is not possible to create a table with two different primary keys. You can create a table with two different unique indexes (which are much like a primary key) but only one primary key can exist.

How do I create multiple primary keys in a table?

You can only have one primary key, but you can have multiple columns in your primary key. You can also have Unique Indexes on your table, which will work a bit like a primary key in that they will enforce unique values, and will speed up querying of those values.

What if a table has 2 primary key?

A table can have only one primary key, which may consist of single or multiple fields. When multiple fields are used as a primary key, they are called a composite key. If a table has a primary key defined on any field(s), then you cannot have two records having the same value of that field(s).

A Table can have a Composite Primary Key which is a primary key made from two or more columns. For example:

CREATE TABLE userdata (
  userid INT,
  userdataid INT,
  info char(200),
  primary key (userid, userdataid)

Update: Here is a link with a more detailed description of composite primary keys.

You can only have one primary key, but you can have multiple columns in your primary key.

You can also have Unique Indexes on your table, which will work a bit like a primary key in that they will enforce unique values, and will speed up querying of those values.

A table can have multiple candidate keys. Each candidate key is a column or set of columns that are UNIQUE, taken together, and also NOT NULL. Thus, specifying values for all the columns of any candidate key is enough to determine that there is one row that meets the criteria, or no rows at all.

Candidate keys are a fundamental concept in the relational data model.

It's common practice, if multiple keys are present in one table, to designate one of the candidate keys as the primary key. It's also common practice to cause any foreign keys to the table to reference the primary key, rather than any other candidate key.

I recommend these practices, but there is nothing in the relational model that requires selecting a primary key among the candidate keys.

This is the answer for both the main question and for @Kalmi's question of

What would be the point of having multiple auto-generating columns?

This code below has a composite primary key. One of its columns is auto-incremented. This will work only in MyISAM. InnoDB will generate an error "ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key".

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`animals`;
CREATE TABLE  `test`.`animals` (
  `grp` char(30) NOT NULL,
  `id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` char(30) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`grp`,`id`)

INSERT INTO animals (grp,name) VALUES

SELECT * FROM animals ORDER BY grp,id;

Which returns:

| grp    | id | name    |
| fish   |  1 | lax     |
| mammal |  1 | dog     |
| mammal |  2 | cat     |
| mammal |  3 | whale   |
| bird   |  1 | penguin |
| bird   |  2 | ostrich |

(Have been studying these, a lot)

Candidate keys - A minimal column combination required to uniquely identify a table row.
Compound keys - 2 or more columns.

  • Multiple Candidate keys can exist in a table.
    • Primary KEY - Only one of the candidate keys that is chosen by us
    • Alternate keys - All other candidate keys
      • Both Primary Key & Alternate keys can be Compound keys
