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Copy the content of a div into another div

I have two divs on my website. They both share the same css properties, but one of them holds 24 other divs. I want all of these 24 divs to be copied into the other div. This is how it looks like:

<div id="mydiv1">
    <div id="div1">
    </div id="div2>
    //and all the way up to div 24.

<div id="mydiv2">

I want all of the 24 divs within mydiv1 to be copied into mydiv2 when the page loads.

Thanks in advance

like image 942
Hwende Avatar asked Nov 24 '13 09:11


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Video Answer

3 Answers

Firstly we are assigning divs into variables (optional)

var firstDivContent = document.getElementById('mydiv1');
var secondDivContent = document.getElementById('mydiv2');

Now just assign mydiv1's content to mydiv2.

secondDivContent.innerHTML = firstDivContent.innerHTML;

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/GCn8j/


  <script type="text/javascript">
    function copyDiv(){
      var firstDivContent = document.getElementById('mydiv1');
      var secondDivContent = document.getElementById('mydiv2');
      secondDivContent.innerHTML = firstDivContent.innerHTML;
<body onload="copyDiv();">
  <div id="mydiv1">
      <div id="div1">
      <div id="div2">

  <div id="mydiv2">
like image 149
Aycan Yaşıt Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10

Aycan Yaşıt

You can use the .ready() event of jquery

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Also a working DEMO.

like image 28
Rahul Tripathi Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Rahul Tripathi

var divs = document.getElementById('mydiv1').innerHTML;

document.getElementById('mydiv2').innerHTML= divs;
like image 42
Ankit Tyagi Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Ankit Tyagi