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Copy table from one dataset to another in google big query

I intend to copy a set of tables from one dataset to another within the same project. I execute the code in Ipython notebook.

I get the list of table names to be copied in the variable “value” using the below code:

list = bq.DataSet('test:TestDataset')

for x in list.tables():
     value = 'test:TestDataset.'+ x.name.table_id

Then i tried using the “bq cp” command to copy table from one dataset to another. But I cannot execute the bq command in the notebook.

!bq cp $value proj1:test1.table1_20162020


I tried with bigquery command to check whether there is a copy command associated with it but could not find any.

like image 736
user3447653 Avatar asked Aug 02 '16 19:08


People also ask

How do I copy a table from one region to another in BigQuery?

You can copy dataset using BigQuery Copy Dataset (in/cross-region). The copy dataset UI is similar to copy table. Just click "copy dataset" button from the source dataset, and specify the destination dataset in the pop-up form. See screenshot below.

How do I export a table from BigQuery?

Open the BigQuery page in the Google Cloud console. In the Explorer panel, expand your project and dataset, then select the table. In the details panel, click Export and select Export to Cloud Storage.

How do you share a table in BigQuery?

Go to the BigQuery page. In the Explorer panel, expand your project and select a dataset. Expand the dataset and select a table or view. Click person_add Share.

2 Answers

I have created following script to copying all the tables from one dataset to another dataset with couple of validation.

from google.cloud import bigquery

client = bigquery.Client()

projectFrom = 'source_project_id'
datasetFrom = 'source_dataset'

projectTo = 'destination_project_id'
datasetTo = 'destination_dataset'

# Creating dataset reference from google bigquery cient
dataset_from = client.dataset(dataset_id=datasetFrom, project=projectFrom)
dataset_to = client.dataset(dataset_id=datasetTo, project=projectTo)

for source_table_ref in client.list_dataset_tables(dataset=dataset_from):
    # Destination table reference
    destination_table_ref = dataset_to.table(source_table_ref.table_id)

    job = client.copy_table(

    assert job.state == 'DONE'

    dest_table = client.get_table(destination_table_ref)
    source_table = client.get_table(source_table_ref)

    assert dest_table.num_rows > 0 # validation 1  
    assert dest_table.num_rows == source_table.num_rows # validation 2

    print ("Source - table: {} row count {}".format(source_table.table_id,source_table.num_rows ))
    print ("Destination - table: {} row count {}".format(dest_table.table_id, dest_table.num_rows))
like image 82
MJK Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09


If you are using the BigQuery API with Python, you can run a copy job:


Copying the Python example from the docs:

def copyTable(service):
    sourceProjectId = raw_input("What is your source project? ")
    sourceDatasetId = raw_input("What is your source dataset? ")
    sourceTableId = raw_input("What is your source table? ")

    targetProjectId = raw_input("What is your target project? ")
    targetDatasetId = raw_input("What is your target dataset? ")
    targetTableId = raw_input("What is your target table? ")

    jobCollection = service.jobs()
    jobData = {
      "projectId": sourceProjectId,
      "configuration": {
          "copy": {
              "sourceTable": {
                  "projectId": sourceProjectId,
                  "datasetId": sourceDatasetId,
                  "tableId": sourceTableId,
              "destinationTable": {
                  "projectId": targetProjectId,
                  "datasetId": targetDatasetId,
                  "tableId": targetTableId,
          "createDisposition": "CREATE_IF_NEEDED",
          "writeDisposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE"

    insertResponse = jobCollection.insert(projectId=targetProjectId, body=jobData).execute()

    # Ping for status until it is done, with a short pause between calls.
    import time
    while True:
      status = jobCollection.get(projectId=targetProjectId,
      if 'DONE' == status['status']['state']:
      print 'Waiting for the import to complete...'

    if 'errors' in status['status']:
      print 'Error loading table: ', pprint.pprint(status)

    print 'Loaded the table:' , pprint.pprint(status)#!!!!!!!!!!

    # Now query and print out the generated results table.
    queryTableData(service, targetProjectId, targetDatasetId, targetTableId)

   except HttpError as err:
    print 'Error in loadTable: ', pprint.pprint(err.resp)

The bq cp command does basically the same, internally (you could call that function too, depending on what bq you are importing).

like image 21
Felipe Hoffa Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Felipe Hoffa