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Postgres - Copy (Stripped Double Quotes)

I am using Postgres 8.4.4 copy, http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/sql-copy.html, to import CSV data into my database. Some of the values in my source data contain double-quotes which are getting stripped upon insertion whereas when I do an INSERT or UPDATE statement via psql for testing the double-quotes are retained. Maybe giving a clue as to what is going on, some values also contain commas which are retained as needed.

I have attempted to resolve the issue base on info in http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/sql-syntax-lexical.html but have had no success.

The copy command I'm using is:

copy my_table (field_1, field_2, field_3 ...) from '/tmp/source.csv' with csv

The source data is double-quoted with comma separator. This can be changed if necessary...

"value","another value","this is "another" value","no more, thanks"

like image 209
Bit Bucket Avatar asked Feb 23 '12 17:02

Bit Bucket

1 Answers

You'll have to quote the embedded quotes. Default is double them, so your data should be:

"value","another value","this is ""another"" value","no more, thanks"

The other way is to work unquoted (but you'll have to quote the commas, if any), like

 value,another value,this is "another" value,no more, thanks

UPDATE: This works, but you'll have to make sure the embedded '"'s are quoted (in this case by adding a backslash)

DROP TABLE tmp.my_table CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE tmp.my_table
        ( field_1 varchar
        , field_2 varchar
        , field_3 varchar
        , field_4 varchar

COPY tmp.my_table (field_1,field_2,field_3,field_4)
"value","another value","this is \"another\" value","no more, thanks"

SELECT * FROM tmp.my_table;
like image 122
wildplasser Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 05:10
