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converting virtual path to actual web path in ASP.NET



I have a virtual path (example: "~/Images/Banner.jpg") and I want to make that an absolute web path (example: "/ApplicationRoot/Images/Banner.jpg"). There is a method that will do this, I believe in a class called something like HTTPUtility or similar name. Though ever time I need this method, it takes me hours searching for it. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could post the proper method to do this so I can favorite this for easy access in the future.

Thank you very much.

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stephenbayer Avatar asked Dec 09 '08 15:12


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MapPath method is used to map the virtual path to a physical path.

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Physical path - This is the actual path the file is located by IIS. Virtual path - This is the logical path to access the file which is pointed to from outside of the IIS application folder.

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Go to Websites & Domains and find the website's domain name. Click Virtual Directories. Browse to the required directory and click a link with its name. Click ASP.NET Settings.

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Generally this physical and virtual path problem occurred whenever we refer “Server. MapPath” value multiple times while using folder path in applications. To solve this e:is a physical path but a virtual path was expected we need to use Server.

2 Answers


There you go :)

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Boris Callens Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Boris Callens

There are various ways that are available in ASP.NET that we can use to resolve relative paths to absolute Urls -

1) Request.ApplicationPath
2) System.Web.VirtualPathUtility
3) Page.ResolveUrl
4) Page.ResolveClientUrl

Here's a article that explains the difference between the various ways to resolving paths in ASP.NET -

Different approaches for resolving URLs in ASP.NET

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Rohit Agarwal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Rohit Agarwal