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Converting pack to perl6



I would like to convert the following from perl5 to perl6,

$salt = pack "C*", map {int rand 256} 1..16;

It create a string of 16 characters where each character has a randomly picked value from 0 to 255. Perl5 doesn't assign any semantics to those characters, so they could be bytes, Unicode Code Points, or something else.

I think I can get by with

$salt = (map {(^256).pick.chr},^16).join;

But I got stuck on using pack, here is my attempt,

use experimental :pack;

my $salt = pack("C*",(map {(^256).pick} , ^16)).decode('utf-8');

say $salt;
say $salt.WHAT;

and results can be either an error,

Malformed termination of UTF-8 string  
      in block <unit> at test.p6 line 3

or something like,


My line of thought is that packing the integer List would return a Buf then decoding that should produce the required Str.


As suggested on comment and answer Buf is the correct object to use. Now to follow up on the pack part,

perl6 -e 'use experimental :pack; my $salt = pack("C*",(map {(^256).pick} , ^16));say $salt;say $salt.WHAT;'

Buf:0x<7D> (Buf)

that only packed one unit

On the other hand, using P5pack (suggested by Scimon) returns an error

perl6 -e 'use P5pack; my $salt = pack("C*",(map {(^256).pick} , ^16));say $salt;say $salt.WHAT;'
Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏*' (indicated by ⏏)
  in sub one at /home/david/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/D326BD5B05A67DBE51C279B9B9D9B448C6CDC401 (P5pack) line 166
  in sub pack at /home/david/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/D326BD5B05A67DBE51C279B9B9D9B448C6CDC401 (P5pack) line 210
  in block <unit> at -e line 1

Update 2:

I didn't spot the difference.

perl6 -e 'say (map {(^256).pick}, ^16).WHAT;'
perl6 -e 'say Buf.new((^256).roll(16)).WHAT;'  

Now make them lists,

perl6 -e 'use experimental :pack; my $salt = pack("C*",(Buf.new((^256).roll(16)).list));say $salt;say $salt.WHAT;'


perl6 -e 'use P5pack; my $salt = pack("C*",Buf.new((^256).roll(16)).list);say $salt;say $salt.WHAT;'
    Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏*' (indicated by ⏏)
      in sub one at /home/david/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/D326BD5B05A67DBE51C279B9B9D9B448C6CDC401 (P5pack) line 166
      in sub pack at /home/david/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/D326BD5B05A67DBE51C279B9B9D9B448C6CDC401 (P5pack) line 210
      in block <unit> at -e line 1


Buffers and Binary IO

A first approach to pack/unpack in Perl 6

Thanks in advance for the help.

like image 958
hkdtam Avatar asked Nov 18 '18 20:11


2 Answers

As ikegami says in a comment to your question, you really should use a Buf, which is basically a “string” of bytes.

my $salt = Buf.new((^256).roll(16));

You can write this to a file with something like:

spurt 'foo', $salt, :bin;

or encode it in base-64 with:

use MIME::Base64;
my $encoded = MIME::Base64.encode($salt);

But if you need this to be reasonably secure, have a look at Crypt::Random

use Crypt::Random;
my $salt = crypt_random_buf(16);
like image 140
mscha Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09


The easiest way is to probably to use https://modules.perl6.org/dist/P5pack:cpan:ELIZABETH which allows you to use Perl5 pack syntax.

like image 31
Scimon Proctor Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Scimon Proctor