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Converting nested tuple to list in elixir



trying to do:

def nested_tuple_to_list(tuple) when is_tuple(tuple) do

expecting to get:

    iex> example = {"foo", "bar", {"foo", "bar"}}
    iex> example_as_list = nested_tuple_to_list(example)
    iex> example_as_list
    ["foo", "bar", ["foo", "bar"]]

my question is what is the best way to do this?

like image 396
shira Avatar asked Jan 05 '17 15:01


2 Answers

Use Tuple.to_list/1 and map the resulting list with the same function, and add a fallback clause for non-tuple inputs:

defmodule A do
  def nested_tuple_to_list(tuple) when is_tuple(tuple) do
    tuple |> Tuple.to_list |> Enum.map(&nested_tuple_to_list/1)
  def nested_tuple_to_list(x), do: x

{"foo", "bar", {"foo", "bar"}} |> A.nested_tuple_to_list |> IO.inspect


["foo", "bar", ["foo", "bar"]]

If you want to transform tuples inside lists as well, you can add:

def nested_tuple_to_list(list) when is_list(list) do
  list |> Enum.map(&nested_tuple_to_list/1)

This can be easily extended to handle Maps as well.

like image 84
Dogbert Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 18:12


There is a library that can do this and many other transforms of nested data.

iex(1)> h PhStTransform.transform

        def transform(data_structure, function_map, depth \\ [])

uses the given function_map to transform any Elixir data structure.

function_map should contain keys that correspond to the data types to be transformed. Each key must map to a function that takes that data type and optionally the depth list as arguments.

depth should always be left at the default value since it is meant for internal recursion.


iex> atom_to_string_potion = %{ Atom => fn(atom) -> Atom.to_string(atom) end }
iex> PhStTransform.transform([[:a], :b, {:c, :e}], atom_to_string_potion)
[["a"], "b", {"c", "e"}]

iex> foo = {"foo", "bar", {"foo", "bar"}}
{"foo", "bar", {"foo", "bar"}}

iex> PhStTransform.transform(foo, %{Tuple => fn(tuple) -> Tuple.to_list(tuple) end})
["foo", "bar", ["foo", "bar"]]


like image 42
Fred the Magic Wonder Dog Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 19:12

Fred the Magic Wonder Dog