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Converting JsonNode to java array

I am working on Play framewrok 2 with websocket and JsonNode . the front end is connected to the play framework backend by use of websocket. I converted a javascript array into a json node and sent it to the backend by the use of the webscoket connection. Now my problem is how do i convert the json object into a a java array or any suitable structure so that i can manipulate the data.

this is the json object I created

var myjeson = {"x":arrayX,"y":arrayY} ;

this is the array which is populated dynamically

 function pixelCount ()
    {  arrayX[counter] = xcoordinate;        
    arrayY[counter] = ycoordinate;
    socket.send(" from array X,Y  "+arrayX[counter]+ " " +arrayY[counter]); 

the code below sends the data

$('button.send').click(function() {            

on the server side i have the following code

 public static WebSocket<JsonNode> givenIn() {
    return new WebSocket<JsonNode>() {
    // called when the websocket is established
    public void onReady(WebSocket.In<JsonNode> in, WebSocket.Out<JsonNode> out) {
    // register a callback for processing instream events             
    in.onMessage(new Callback<JsonNode>() {
    public void invoke(JsonNode event) {                 

when I check the log the message is delivered : below is the log info [info] application -



Now I will like to place these data in an array so that I can access them. any suggestion will be appreciated.an alternative suggestion is also welcomed.

like image 700
faisal abdulai Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 07:07

faisal abdulai

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1 Answers

Moving my comment to an answer, as it got upvoted a lot.

This should do what the OP needed:

new ObjectMapper().convertValue(jsonNode, ArrayList.class)

like image 67
Alex Burdusel Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Alex Burdusel