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Converting array to matrix in R

I have an array, including two proficiency variables (theta0, theta1) over an item (Yes, No) called "comp". This needs to be converted to one matrix. Is there any way that I could convert a matrix like the one at the bottom?

My array looks like this:


 , , comp = Yes

theta0       Low       Med      High
  Low  0.8377206 0.6760511 0.4576021
  Med  0.6760511 0.4576021 0.2543239
  High 0.4576021 0.2543239 0.1211734

, , comp = No

theta0       Low       Med      High
  Low  0.1622794 0.3239489 0.5423979
  Med  0.3239489 0.5423979 0.7456761
  High 0.5423979 0.7456761 0.8788266

[1] "CPA"   "array"

I apologize, I could not produce something that you could play with. I am looking for something like:

theta0   theta1   Yes        No
Low      Low      0.8377206  0.1622794
Low      Med      ..         ..
Low      High     ..         ..
Med      Low      ..         ..
Med      Med      ..         ..
Med      High     ..         ..
High     Low      ..         ..
High     Med      ..         ..
High     High     ..         ..


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amisos55 Avatar asked Dec 01 '16 22:12


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Convert a Data Frame into a Numeric Matrix in R Programming – data. matrix() Function. data. matrix() function in R Language is used to create a matrix by converting all the values of a Data Frame into numeric mode and then binding them as a matrix.

What is matrix () in R?

A matrix function in R is a 2-dimensional array that has m number of rows and n number of columns. In other words, matrix in R programming is a combination of two or more vectors with the same data type. Note: It is possible to create more than two dimensions arrays with matrix function in R.

What is the difference between array and matrix in R?

A matrix is a two-dimensional (r × c) object (think a bunch of stacked or side-by-side vectors). An array is a three-dimensional (r × c × h) object (think a bunch of stacked r × c matrices). All elements in an array must be of the same data type (character > numeric > logical).

1 Answers

You can easily get columns of values by flattening the matrix on the 3rd margin:

z1 <- apply(priCPT.i6, 3L, c)
## we can also simply use `matrix`; but remember to set `dimnames`
## otherwise we lose dimnames
## z1 <- matrix(priCPT.i6, ncol = 2L,
##              dimnames = list(NULL, dimnames(priCPT.i6)[[3]]))

What you need for the rest is to append the "dimnames" columns:

z2 <- expand.grid(dimnames(priCPT.i6)[1:2])

Now you can merge them into a data frame (you definitely need a data frame than a matrix, because columns of z1 are numeric while columns of z2 are character) via:

data.frame(z2, z1)

Reproducible example

x <- array(1:18, dim = c(3L, 3L, 2L), dimnames = list(
           c("Low", "Medium", "High"), c("Low", "Medium", "High"), c("Yes", "No")))

#, , Yes
#       Low Medium High
#Low      1      4    7
#Medium   2      5    8
#High     3      6    9
#, , No
#       Low Medium High
#Low     10     13   16
#Medium  11     14   17
#High    12     15   18

z1 <- apply(x, 3L, c)
## z1 <- matrix(x, ncol = 2L, dimnames = list(NULL, dimnames(x)[[3]]))
z2 <- expand.grid(dimnames(x)[1:2])
data.frame(z2, z1)

#    Var1   Var2 Yes No
#1    Low    Low   1 10
#2 Medium    Low   2 11
#3   High    Low   3 12
#4    Low Medium   4 13
#5 Medium Medium   5 14
#6   High Medium   6 15
#7    Low   High   7 16
#8 Medium   High   8 17
#9   High   High   9 18
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Zheyuan Li Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Zheyuan Li