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Converting a string to a double

I'm trying to convert a string to a double value but it's not returning me what I expect...

double dbl;
Double.TryParse("20.0", out dbl);

That piece of code is returning 200.0 (instead of 20.0) as a double value. Any idea why?

like image 376
João Matos Avatar asked Apr 05 '09 18:04

João Matos

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String value can be converted to double using Convert. ToDouble() or Double. Parse() method. These methods take string representation of a number as input and return its equivalent double-precision floating-point number.

1 Answers

You should pass InvariantCulture to the method.

The reason behind this is that your regional settings probably set . as separator character and not decimal point.

double.TryParse("20.0", NumberStyles.Any, 
                CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out x);
like image 66
mmx Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09
