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Convert xml string to Java object

I have the following xml string. I want to convert it in to a java object, to map each tag with the fields of that object. Its better that if I can introduce different field names compared to tag name. How I can do that? I am looking on JAXB but I am still confused about parts like "ns4:response" and tags within tags. Thank you in advance...

    <ns3:payload xsi:type="productsPayload">
                <avgRating xsi:nil="true"/>
                    long descriptions
                    short description
                        <altText>alternate text</altText>
                    <clearancePrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                    <regularPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
like image 893
ghTvNath Avatar asked Aug 10 '12 06:08


People also ask

How do I convert an XML to a string in Java?

Java Code to Convert an XML Document to String For converting the XML Document to String, we will use TransformerFactory , Transformer and DOMSource classes. "</BookStore>"; //Call method to convert XML string content to XML Document object.

What is the JAXB process for converting an XML document to Java object called?

JAXB definitionsUnmarshalling is the process of reading XML documents into Java objects. The JAXBContext class provides the client's entry point to the JAXB API. It provides API for marshalling, unmarshalling and validating.

What is JAXBContext in Java?

The JAXBContext class provides the client's entry point to the JAXB API. It provides an abstraction for managing the XML/Java binding information necessary to implement the JAXB binding framework operations: unmarshal, marshal and validate.

1 Answers

JAXB is the Java standard (JSR-222) for converting objects to/from XML. The following should help:

Unmarshalling from a String

You will need to wrap the String in an instance of StringReader before your JAXB impl can unmarshal it.

StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlString);
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Response.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
Response response = (Response) unmarshaller.unmarshal(sr);

Different Field and XML Names

You can use the @XmlElement annotation to specify what you want the name of the element to be. By default JAXB looks at properties. If you wish to base the mappings on the fields then you need to set @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD).

private int size;


The @XmlRootElement and @XmlElement annotations also allow you to specify namespace qualification where needed.

public class Response {

For More Information

  • http://blog.bdoughan.com/2010/08/jaxb-namespaces.html
  • http://blog.bdoughan.com/2012/07/jaxb-and-root-elements.html
  • http://blog.bdoughan.com/2011/06/using-jaxbs-xmlaccessortype-to.html
like image 147
bdoughan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10
