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Convert xargs Bash command to PowerShell?


I've got a simple Bash command to resize some images automatically on a low-traffic website using ImageMagick - I'd like to convert this to a PowerShell command so I don't have to install Cygwin on my webserver. Can anyone lend their PSh skills here?

ls | xargs -I {} rconvert "{}" -resize 128x128\> "{}"
like image 731
Ana Betts Avatar asked Apr 27 '09 17:04

Ana Betts

1 Answers

Your best bet is to pipe the output of ls to the foreach-object commandlet like this (% is an alias for foreach-object):

ls | %{rconvert $_ -resize 128x128}

Edit: ls outputs a list of FileInfo or DirectoryInfo objects onto the pipeline. To filter out the DirectoryInfo objects, use the where-object filter (? is alias):

ls | ?{-not $_.PSIsContainer} | %{rconvert $_ -resize 128x128}

If you need to access the full path name in your command, use the FullName property of the FileInfo object ($_ by itself will be resolved to $_.Name which is just the filename):

ls | ?{-not $_.PSIsContainer} | %{rconvert $_.FullName -resize 128x128}
like image 118
zdan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10
