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jQuery Plugin Check Version


When writing a new jQuery plugin is there a straightforward way of checking that the current version of jQuery is above a certain number? Displaying a warning or logging an error otherwise.

It would be nice to do something like:

jQuery.version >= 1.2.6 

in some form or another.

like image 727
ROGUE Avatar asked Jul 02 '09 09:07


People also ask

How do I check jQuery version?

Type this command in the Chrome Developer Tools Javascript console window to see what version of the jQuery is being used on this page: console. log(jQuery(). jquery);

How do I check if a jQuery plugin is loaded?

Hence, we have used the $(document). ready() function before we can check if the plugin was loaded successfully or not. The typeof operator returns the data type of its operand in the form of a string. In this case, the operand is the jQuery $ operator itself.

How do I know if jQuery is installed?

You can test if jQuery is loaded by opening your javascript console (in Chrome: Settings > More tools > Javascript console). Where the little blue arrow appears type: if(jQuery) alert('jQuery is loaded'); Press enter.

What is jQuery FN?

fn is an alias for jQuery. prototype which allows you to extend jQuery with your own functions. For Example: $.fn. something = function{}

2 Answers

Here is a check I used to make sure the user was using at least v. 1.3.2 of jQuery.

if (/1\.(0|1|2|3)\.(0|1)/.test($.fn.jquery)                      || /^1.1/.test($.fn.jquery)                      || /^1.2/.test($.fn.jquery))  {     //Tell user they need to upgrade. } 
like image 86
RedWolves Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10


Try this:

>>> jQuery.fn.jquery; "1.3.2" 
like image 42
Paolo Bergantino Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Paolo Bergantino