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Convert to ARC - LLVM compiler 3.0 Error

I opened up an older project of mine and chose Convert to Objective-C ARC from the Edit/Refactor menu. I am getting the following error:

Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 Error

Error in format of file: /Users/myUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName-fkjvtdsoypoyrdcedtarbtypupor/Build/Intermediates/ProjectName.build/Debug-iphoneos/ProjectName.build/ProjectName-arc.migrate/remap

Is this one of those situations where I need to manually delete some files/folders in Finder and then try it again? I just deleted everything in the "Build" folder of the project, then did Product/Clean and tried it again, but still getting the same error.

like image 956
RanLearns Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 21:11


1 Answers

Apparently you cannot have the target set to iOS Device when you "Convert to Objective-C ARC"

When I set the target to the simulator, I was able to convert to ARC with no errors.

like image 62
RanLearns Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 09:10
