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convert this LINQ expression into Lambda





Guys, I have a hard time converting this below linq expression(left join implementation) to lambda expression (for learning).

var result = from g in grocery
       join f in fruit on g.fruitId equals f.fruitId into tempFruit
       join v in veggie on g.vegid equals v.vegid into tempVegg
       from joinedFruit in tempFruit.DefaultIfEmpty()
       from joinedVegg in tempVegg.DefaultIfEmpty()
       select new { g.fruitId, g.vegid, fname = ((joinedFruit == null) ? string.Empty :     joinedFruit.fname), vname = ((joinedVegg == null) ? string.Empty : joinedVegg.vname) };

Can some one suggest me how to do this.

And i really appreciate if someone give me the excellent tutorial links for "C# Lambdas & Linqs"

like image 486
RameshVel Avatar asked Oct 06 '09 10:10


People also ask

What is lambda expression in LINQ?

Advertisements. The term 'Lambda expression' has derived its name from 'lambda' calculus which in turn is a mathematical notation applied for defining functions. Lambda expressions as a LINQ equation's executable part translate logic in a way at run time so it can pass on to the data source conveniently.

Can you use lambda expression instead of LINQ query?

So performance-wise, there's no difference whatsoever between the two. Which one you should use is mostly personal preference, many people prefer lambda expressions because they're shorter and more concise, but personally I prefer the query syntax having worked extensively with SQL.

What is difference between LINQ and lambda expression?

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is feature of Visual Studio that gives you the capabilities yo query on the language syntax of C#, so you will get SQL kind of queries. And Lambda expression is an anonymous function and is more of a like delegate type.

1 Answers

To convert a Linq query to it's Lambda equivalent:

  1. Download Linqpad and run your query.
  2. In the results window, click on the "λ" button in the toolbar. It's right above the Results window
  3. Your query will be converted to a Lambda expression equivalent!

enter image description here

like image 156
Brad Parks Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09

Brad Parks