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Convert string to hex-string in C#






I have a string like "sample". I want to get a string of it in hex format; like this:


Please give the C# syntax.

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Dariush Jafari Avatar asked Jun 08 '13 12:06

Dariush Jafari

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Is there a hex type in C?

There is no special type of data type to store Hexadecimal values in C programming, Hexadecimal number is an integer value and you can store it in the integral type of data types (char, short or int). Let suppose, we have two values in Hexadecimal "64" (100 in Decimal) and "FAFA" (64250 in Decimal).

2 Answers

First you'll need to get it into a byte[], so do this:

byte[] ba = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("sample"); 

and then you can get the string:

var hexString = BitConverter.ToString(ba); 

now, that's going to return a string with dashes (-) in it so you can then simply use this:

hexString = hexString.Replace("-", ""); 

to get rid of those if you want.

NOTE: you could use a different Encoding if you needed to.

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Mike Perrenoud Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10

Mike Perrenoud

For Unicode support:

public class HexadecimalEncoding {     public static string ToHexString(string str)     {         var sb = new StringBuilder();          var bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str);         foreach (var t in bytes)         {             sb.Append(t.ToString("X2"));         }          return sb.ToString(); // returns: "48656C6C6F20776F726C64" for "Hello world"     }      public static string FromHexString(string hexString)     {         var bytes = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];         for (var i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)         {             bytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);         }          return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes); // returns: "Hello world" for "48656C6C6F20776F726C64"     } } 
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franckspike Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10
