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convert string array to string





People also ask

Which method converts array to string?

The toString() method is used for the conversion of array to string javascript. The toString() method takes array values and returns a combined single string as a result.

Can you toString an array?

toString(int[]) method returns a string representation of the contents of the specified int array. The string representation consists of a list of the array's elements, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). Adjacent elements are separated by the characters ", " (a comma followed by a space).

Is string [] the same as array string?

There's no difference between the two, it's the same. It says this in the docs: Array types can be written in one of two ways.

string[] test = new string[2];

test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";

string.Join("", test);

A slightly faster option than using the already mentioned use of the Join() method is the Concat() method. It doesn't require an empty delimiter parameter as Join() does. Example:

string[] test = new string[2];
test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";

string result = String.Concat(test);

hence it is likely faster.

A simple string.Concat() is what you need.

string[] test = new string[2];

test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";

string result = string.Concat(test);

If you also need to add a seperator (space, comma etc) then, string.Join() should be used.

string[] test = new string[2];

test[0] = "Red";
test[1] = "Blue";

string result = string.Join(",", test);

If you have to perform this on a string array with hundereds of elements than string.Join() is better by performace point of view. Just give a "" (blank) argument as seperator. StringBuilder can also be used for sake of performance, but it will make code a bit longer.


String.Join("", test);

which should return a string joining the two elements together. "" indicates that you want the strings joined together without any separators.

Aggregate can also be used for same.

string[] test = new string[2];
test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";
string joinedString = test.Aggregate((prev, current) => prev + " " + current);

    string ConvertStringArrayToString(string[] array)
        // Concatenate all the elements into a StringBuilder.
        StringBuilder strinbuilder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (string value in array)
            strinbuilder.Append(' ');
        return strinbuilder.ToString();