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Convert JSON many objects to single JSON using Jackson





I have JSON, with differents levels field, so I want to convert to a single JSON with fields with one level for example:

  "prop3": {
  ... many level fields



I'm using Jackson with annotation @JsonProperty("field"), I haven't problem wih fields of first level , but I don´t know how to access field where to into more inside JSON , for this example are prop4 and prop5.

like image 737
cflores29 Avatar asked May 20 '13 16:05


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1 Answers

JsonUnwrapped is the annotation to use, it even works for multi-level nesting. For example:

public class Sample {

    public void testName() throws Exception {
        SampleClass sample = new SampleClass("value1", "value2", new SubClass("value4", "value5", new SubSubClass("value7")));
        new ObjectMapper().writeValue(System.out, sample);

    public static class SampleClass {
        private String prop1;
        private String prop2;
        private SubClass prop3;

        public SampleClass(String prop1, String prop2, SubClass prop3) {
            this.prop1 = prop1;
            this.prop2 = prop2;
            this.prop3 = prop3;
    public static class SubClass {
        private String prop4;
        private String prop5;
        private SubSubClass prop6;
        public SubClass(String prop4, String prop5, SubSubClass prop6) {
            this.prop4 = prop4;
            this.prop5 = prop5;
            this.prop6 = prop6;

    public static class SubSubClass{
        private String prop7;

        public SubSubClass(String prop7) {
            this.prop7 = prop7;

will generate

like image 161
Pascal Gélinas Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10

Pascal Gélinas