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Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

People also ask

What is difference between IQueryable and list in C#?

List<T> is just an output format, and while it implements IEnumerable<T> , is not directly related to querying. In other words, when you're using IQueryable<T> , you're defining an expression that gets translated into something else.

What is IQueryable in C#?

The IQueryable interface inherits the IEnumerable interface so that if it represents a query, the results of that query can be enumerated. Enumeration causes the expression tree associated with an IQueryable object to be executed. The definition of "executing an expression tree" is specific to a query provider.

What is IQueryable return?

IQueryable is executed. // // Returns: // A System.Type that represents the type of the element(s) that are returned when. // the expression tree associated with this object is executed.

What is LINQ IQueryable?

Linq Namespace. IQueryable is suitable for querying data from out-memory (like remote database, service) collections. While querying data from a database, IQueryable executes a "select query" on server-side with all filters. IQueryable is beneficial for LINQ to SQL queries.

Then just Select:

var list = source.Select(s=>new { ID = s.ID, Name = s.Name }).ToList();

(edit) Actually - the names could be inferred in this case, so you could use:

var list = source.Select(s=>new { s.ID, s.Name }).ToList();

which saves a few electrons...

Add the following:

using System.Linq

...and call ToList() on the IQueryable<>.

The List class's constructor can convert an IQueryable for you:

public static List<TResult> ToList<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
    return new List<TResult>(source);

or you can just convert it without the extension method, of course:

var list = new List<T>(queryable);

System.Linq has ToList() on IQueryable<> and IEnumerable<>. It will cause a full pass through the data to put it into a list, though. You loose your deferred invoke when you do this. Not a big deal if it is the consumer of the data.

Here's a couple of extension methods I've jury-rigged together to convert IQueryables and IEnumerables from one type to another (i.e. DTO). It's mainly used to convert from a larger type (i.e. the type of the row in the database that has unneeded fields) to a smaller one.

The positive sides of this approach are:

  • it requires almost no code to use - a simple call to .Transform<DtoType>() is all you need
  • it works just like .Select(s=>new{...}) i.e. when used with IQueryable it produces the optimal SQL code, excluding Type1 fields that DtoType doesn't have.


public static IQueryable<TResult> Transform<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
    var resultType = typeof(TResult);
    var resultProperties = resultType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite);

    ParameterExpression s = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "s");

    var memberBindings =
        resultProperties.Select(p =>
            Expression.Bind(typeof(TResult).GetMember(p.Name)[0], Expression.Property(s, p.Name))).OfType<MemberBinding>();

    Expression memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(

    var memberInitLambda = Expression.Lambda(memberInit, s);

    var typeArgs = new[]

    var mc = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", typeArgs, source.Expression, memberInitLambda);

    var query = source.Provider.CreateQuery<TResult>(mc);

    return query;

public static IEnumerable<TResult> Transform<TResult>(this IEnumerable source)
    return source.AsQueryable().Transform<TResult>();