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Differences between nuget-packing a csproj vs. nuspec





People also ask

What is package Nuspec?

A . nuspec file is an XML manifest that contains package metadata. This manifest is used both to build the package and to provide information to consumers. The manifest is always included in a package.

What can you do with Nuspec file?

A NUSpec file contains package metadata and is used to create a package. A package is created from your project, which is why it would make sense to place the NUSpec file in the project folder.

Here's a little-known fact: you can combine both! Target a csproj file, and make sure there's a nuspec file in the same directory with the same name as the csproj file. NuGet will merge the two during package creation.

So in short: target <ProjectName>.csproj, optionally add a corresponding tokenized <ProjectName>.nuspec file to be used as metadata by NuGet.exe.

It saves you from managing output location, dependencies, version, and other stuff that can be derived from the project.

For simple packages you can directly create the packages off .csproj or .vbproj. But for more advance packages, especially when you need to pull in custom files into your package, you need to use .nuspec. I usually start off with the csproj and move to nuspec as needed. You can always get the nuspec using the command nuget spec on the csproj.


You can specify any of the properties including licenseUrl using the Properties parameter to nuget pack

nuget pack -properties licenseUrl=http://blah

With a .csproj for Visual Studio 2017, you don't need a .nuspec file. You can actually add the values directly to your csproj and it will pick them up.

Right click the project in Visual Studio, Edit xxxxx.csproj. Notepad works fine too.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



p.s. Since I don't have sufficient reputation to comment, I am leaving an answer instead of a comment on Xavier's answer. :)

With .NET Core as of February 2018 you'll need to supply a .nuspec file for any more than the basic spec file properties.

But the dotnet pack command will not use the .nuspec file unless you add <NuspecFile>relative path to nuspec</NuspecFile> to the .csproj file.

See https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/2170

Most packages can now be made without a .nuspec file. The thing to watch is the dependencies. You may need to add a PrivateAssets element to some that are tools, like msbump and um, SpecFlow maybe.

<PackageReference Include="msbump" Version="2.3.2">

This stops this package dependency "flowing" to the dependencies of your package.

Also worth reading about specifying versions in the most flexible way.


And range syntax.
