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Convert from arrow notation

I'm still trying to get a hang of the parallels between arrow notation and the semantics of the Arrow typeclasses defined in Haskell. In particular, this question seems to have a very canonical example of a small counter written with arrow notation:

counter :: ArrowCircuit a => a Bool Int
counter = proc reset -> do
        rec     output <- returnA -< if reset then 0 else next
                next <- delay 0 -< output+1
        returnA -< output

Can someone show me how to convert this back into Haskell2010 without arrow notation?

like image 522
Mokosha Avatar asked Aug 12 '14 04:08


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1 Answers

{- |
 >Bool>-------------->         |
                     |         >------------------>Int>
       +---------+   |  arr f  |
  /----> delay 0 >--->         >---------\
  |    +---------+   |         |         |
  |                  +---------+         |
  |                                      |

counter' :: ArrowCircuit a => a Bool Int
counter' = loop $ second (delay 0) >>> arr f
    f (reset, next) = let output = if reset then 0 else next
                          next' = output + 1
                       in (output, next')

The recursive rec part is implemented using loop. The inner part that converts reset to output using next (and producing new next value) is just a pure function with two inputs and two outputs.

like image 126
Petr Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09
