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Convert enum to int in python




I have an enum Nationality:

class Nationality:         Poland='PL'         Germany='DE'         France='FR' 

How can I convert this some enum to int in this or similar way:

position_of_enum = int(Nationality.Poland)  # here I want to get 0 

I know that I can do it if I had code by:

counter=0 for member in dir(Nationality):     if getattr(Nationality, member) == code:         lookFor = member         counter += 1 return counter 

but I don't have, and this way looks too big for python. I'm sure that there is something much simpler .

like image 627
user278618 Avatar asked May 19 '11 14:05


People also ask

How do you convert enum to int in Python?

Use the IntEnum class from the enum module to convert an enum to an integer in Python. You can use the auto() class if the exact value is unimportant. To get a value of an enum member, use the value attribute on the member.

Can you use enum as int?

By default, the type for enum elements is int. We can set different type by adding a colon like an example below. The different types which can be set are sbyte, byte, short, ushort, uint, ulong, and long.

What does IntEnum do in Python?

IntEnum: Base class for creating enumerated constants that are also subclasses of int. it says that members of an IntEnum can be compared to integers; by extension, integer enumerations of different types can also be compared to each other.

Should I use enums in Python?

Python enums are useful to represent data that represent a finite set of states such as days of the week, months of the year, etc. They were added to Python 3.4 via PEP 435. However, it is available all the way back to 2.4 via pypy. As such, you can expect them to be a staple as you explore Python programming.

2 Answers

Please use IntEnum

from enum import IntEnum  class loggertype(IntEnum):     Info = 0     Warning = 1     Error = 2     Fatal = 3  int(loggertype.Info) 0 
like image 126
ban Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10


Using either the enum34 backport or aenum1 you can create a specialized Enum:

# using enum34 from enum import Enum  class Nationality(Enum):      PL = 0, 'Poland'     DE = 1, 'Germany'     FR = 2, 'France'      def __new__(cls, value, name):         member = object.__new__(cls)         member._value_ = value         member.fullname = name         return member      def __int__(self):         return self.value 

and in use:

>>> print(Nationality.PL) Nationality.PL >>> print(int(Nationality.PL)) 0 >>> print(Nationality.PL.fullname) 'Poland' 

The above is more easily written using aenum1:

# using aenum from aenum import Enum, MultiValue  class Nationality(Enum):     _init_ = 'value fullname'     _settings_ = MultiValue      PL = 0, 'Poland'     DE = 1, 'Germany'     FR = 2, 'France'      def __int__(self):         return self.value 

which has the added functionality of:

>>> Nationality('Poland') <Nationality.PL: 0> 

1 Disclosure: I am the author of the Python stdlib Enum, the enum34 backport, and the Advanced Enumeration (aenum) library.

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Ethan Furman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Ethan Furman