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Convert binary string to bytearray in Python 3

Despite the many related questions, I can't find any that match my problem. I'd like to change a binary string (for example, "0110100001101001") into a byte array (same example, b"hi").

I tried this:

bytes([int(i) for i in "0110100001101001"])

but I got:

b'\x00\x01\x01\x00\x01' #... and so on

What's the correct way to do this in Python 3?

like image 838
Numeri Avatar asked Sep 20 '15 04:09


People also ask

Is Bytearray a binary?

Byte arrays mostly contain binary data such as an image. If the byte array that you are trying to convert to String contains binary data, then none of the text encodings (UTF_8 etc.) will work.

How do you convert binary to hex in Python?

We use int() and hex() to convert a binary number to its equivalent hexadecimal number.

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1 Answers

Here's an example of doing it the first way that Patrick mentioned: convert the bitstring to an int and take 8 bits at a time. The natural way to do that generates the bytes in reverse order. To get the bytes back into the proper order I use extended slice notation on the bytearray with a step of -1: b[::-1].

def bitstring_to_bytes(s):
    v = int(s, 2)
    b = bytearray()
    while v:
        b.append(v & 0xff)
        v >>= 8
    return bytes(b[::-1])

s = "0110100001101001"

Clearly, Patrick's second way is more compact. :)

However, there's a better way to do this in Python 3: use the int.to_bytes method:

def bitstring_to_bytes(s):
    return int(s, 2).to_bytes((len(s) + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')

If len(s) is guaranteed to be a multiple of 8, then the first arg of .to_bytes can be simplified:

return int(s, 2).to_bytes(len(s) // 8, byteorder='big')

This will raise OverflowError if len(s) is not a multiple of 8, which may be desirable in some circumstances.

Another option is to use double negation to perform ceiling division. For integers a & b, floor division using //

n = a // b

gives the integer n such that
n <= a/b < n + 1
47 // 10 gives 4, and

-47 // 10 gives -5. So

-(-47 // 10) gives 5, effectively performing ceiling division.

Thus in bitstring_to_bytes we could do:

return int(s, 2).to_bytes(-(-len(s) // 8), byteorder='big')

However, not many people are familiar with this efficient & compact idiom, so it's generally considered to be less readable than

return (s, 2).to_bytes((len(s) + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')
like image 154
PM 2Ring Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

PM 2Ring