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Convert a str to path type?

I am trying to interface with some existing code that saves a configuration, and expects a file path that is of type path.path. The code is expecting that the file path is returned from a pygtk browser window (via another function). I want to call the save_config function elsewhere in my code with a file path based on different inputs, constructed from string elements.

When I try to run the code, I am able to construct the file path correctly, but it is a string type, and the save function expects a path.path type.

Is there a way to convert a string to a path type? I've tried searching, but could only find the reverse case (path to string). I also tried using os.path.join(), but that returns a string as well.

Edit: This is python 2.7, if that makes a difference.

like image 626
realityinabox Avatar asked Sep 30 '14 15:09


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To convert a string to path, we can use the built-in java. nio. file. Paths class get() static method in Java.

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path ? Sounds like a class that is defined by the code you are using; it's not a standard type or class. Prior to Python 3.4, there was no standard for paths; functions operating on paths just used the string representation. Python 3.4 introduced the pathlib module, which provides proper objects to represent paths.

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1 Answers

Since python 3.4:

from pathlib import Path str_path = "my_path" path = Path(str_path) 


like image 100
Ray Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
