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convert a select option to boolean value


I am learning angular2. Here I have the following Problem:

I have a select field which should work as a boolean value:

<select [(ngModel)]="caseSensitive">     <option>false</option>      <option>true</option>    </select> 

No if i use it in my Filter it will send as a string not as a boolean. Is it possible to convert it using a converter or something like that:

Here my complete HTML code:

<input [(ngModel)]="nameFilter"/> <select [(ngModel)]="caseSensitive">     <option>false</option>      <option>true</option>    </select>    <table>   <tr *ngFor="let p of (persons | MyFilter: nameFilter:caseSensitive); let i = index">     <td>{{i + 1 }} </td>     <td>{{       p.givenName+" "+ p.familyName     }}</td>     <td><img src="/img/flags/{{ p.nationality}}.png"></td>    </tr> </table> 

The ts code:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';  import {MyFilter} from './MyFilter';  @Component({   selector: 'pizza-root',   pipes: [MyFilter],   templateUrl: 'app.component.html'   }) export class AppComponent {     public year = new Date().getFullYear();     public persons =[{"givenName":"Paul", "familyName": "Smith", "nationality":"american"},                      {"givenName":"Jens", "familyName":"myName1", "nationality":"german"},                      {"givenName":"Ernst", "familyName":"myName1", "nationality":"german"},                      {"givenName":"Jenny", "familyName":"myName1", "nationality":"german"}];     constructor (){         console.log(this.persons);     } } 

The Pipe:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';  @Pipe({     name: 'MyFilter' })  export class MyFilter implements PipeTransform{     transform( items: any[], args: string, caseSensitive : boolean ):any {         if (items != null && args != undefined && args  != ''){             if (caseSensitive){                  console.log("caseSensitive")                 return items.filter(item=>item.givenName.indexOf(args)!== -1);             } else {                 console.log("caseInSensitive")                 return items.filter(item=> item.givenName.toLowerCase().indexOf(args.toLowerCase())!== -1);             }         }         console.log("else")         return items;     }  } 

The Problem is, that the pipe not working correctly because caseSensitive is the bind as a string not as a boolean value.

like image 398
Jens Avatar asked Oct 07 '16 06:10


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1 Answers

The values in <option> are strings or they are stringified if other types are provided. If you use ngValue instead, you can use other types and ngModel retains the type.

  <select [(ngModel)]="caseSensitive">     <option [ngValue]="false">false</option>      <option [ngValue]="true">true</option>    </select> 
like image 145
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Günter Zöchbauer