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Convention for HTTP response header to notify clients of deprecated API

I'm upgrading our REST API endpoints and I want to notify clients when they are calling the to-be-deprecated endpoint.
What header should I use in the response with a message along the lines of "This API version is being deprecated, please consult the latest documentation to update your endpoints"

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BlazingFrog Avatar asked Dec 14 '12 18:12


People also ask

What is use of response header in REST API?

Response headers provide information about the response to your request to the REST API service. A brief description is provided for the response headers that are returned by most endpoints. Standard HTTP response headers are typically returned along with these common response headers.

Is HTTP response code a header?

HTTP headers The status code is just part of the full HTTP response that a server sends to a client. Additional information is sent across with the status code. The full response of a status code plus additional information is called the HTTP header.

1 Answers

I would not change anything in the status code to be backward compatible. I would add a "Warning" header in the response :

Warning: 299 - "Deprecated API" 

You can also specify the "-" with the "Agent" that emits the warning, and be more explicit in the warn-text :

Warning: 299 api.blazingFrog.com "Deprecated API: use betterapi.blazingFrog.com instead. Old API maintained until 2015-06-02" 

Warning header is specified here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7234#section-5.5. Warn-code 299 is generic, "Deprecated" is not standard.

You have to tell your API clients to log the HTTP warnings and monitor it.

I've never used it until now, but when my company will be more mature in Rest API I will integrate it.

Edit (2019-04-25): As @Harry Wood mentioned it, the Warning header is in a chapter related to caching in the documentation. However, the RFC is clear Warnings can be used for other purposes, both cache-related and otherwise.

If you prefer an alternate method, this draft https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dalal-deprecation-header-00 suggests a new header "Deprecation".

Edit (2021-01-04) : As @Dima Parzhitsky mentioned it, MDN says this header is deprecated

like image 182
BenC Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
