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Convenient way to cache Node.js dependencies in GitLab CI/CD

I'm using npm to install Node.js dependencies in my project. I want to cache Node.js packages (node_modules) globally to speed up jobs in pipelines when deploying to Heroku. An example from the official docs of GitLab:

  - .npm/

  - npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline

And here is another example in GitLab:

    - node_modules/

Found some articles (Deploy Node.js App with GitLab CI/CD, Continuous Integration with Node.js, Heroku and GitLab CI/CD -Part 2) that used the second configuration above. I did give it a shot and I was able to deploy my app to Heroku with these settings successfully. But I'm not sure caching mechanism is working properly.

What is the difference between these configurations? Which one is the most convenient way to cache Node.js packages?

My current setup for gitlab-ci.yml file:

image: node:latest

    - node_modules/

  - build
  - deploy

  stage: build
    - npm i
    - npm i -g gulp-cli
    - gulp build

  image: ruby:latest
  stage: deploy
    - apt-get update -qy
    - apt-get install -y ruby-dev
    - gem install dpl
    - dpl --provider=heroku --app=$HEROKU_APP_NAME --api-key=$HEROKU_API_KEY
    - master

Not sure if I'm doing it the right way.

like image 201
N'Bayramberdiyev Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 02:10


1 Answers

It depends if you want to use npm install, aka npm i, or if you want to use npm ci.

npm install will look first for an existent node_modules folder and will re-use it. If not, will fetch the dependencies. Check the full algorithm.

npm ci instead, removes an existing node_modules folder to perform a clean install of the dependencies. From the docs:

In short, the main differences between using npm install and npm ci are:

  • The project must have an existing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json.
  • If dependencies in the package lock do not match those in package.json, npm ci will exit with an error, instead of updating the package lock.
  • npm ci can only install entire projects at a time: individual dependencies cannot be added with this command.
  • If a node_modules is already present, it will be automatically removed before npm ci begins its install.
  • It will never write to package.json or any of the package-locks: installs are essentially frozen.

Some tests having ~/.npm and node_modules populated:

$ npm i --prefer-offline
updated 2 packages in 17.472s

$ rm -rf ~/.npm/ # removes global npm cache
$ npm i --prefer-offline
up to date in 16.271s # removing npm cache does not affects to npm i

$ rm -rf node_modules/
$ npm i --prefer-offline
added 2525 packages from 1197 contributors in 55.388s # removing node_modules affetcs to npm i
$ npm ci --prefer-offline
updated 2 packages in 17.201s

$ rm -rf ~/.npm/ # removes global npm cache
$ npm ci --prefer-offline
added 2532 packages in 48.362s # removing npm cache affects to npm ci

$ rm -rf node_modules/
$ npm ci --prefer-offline
added 2532 packages in 18.695s # removing node_modules does not affetcs to npm ci

So ending up, npm ci has CI oriented features which can be interesting to use with but if there are no benefits for you just cache node_modules and use npm install instead.

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jesugmz Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
