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Construct new column with first row of a groupby with two columns - Pandas

I am trying to construct a new column that gives a value of 1 if it's the first time that an element of the column "type" has had a specific value of the column "xx", and gives a value of 0 in any other case.

  • The original dataframe (df) I am working with is:

    idx = [np.array(['Jan-18', 'Jan-18', 'Feb-18', 'Mar-18', 'Mar-18', 'Mar-18','Apr-18', 'Apr-18', 'May-18', 'Jun-18', 'Jun-18', 'Jun-18','Jul-18', 'Aug-18', 'Aug-18', 'Sep-18', 'Sep-18', 'Oct-18','Oct-18', 'Oct-18', 'Nov-18', 'Dec-18', 'Dec-18',]),np.array(['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'C','A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'C'])]
    data = [{'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1200}, {'xx': 800}, {'xx': 800}, {'xx': 800},{'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 800}, {'xx': 1200}, {'xx': 1200}, {'xx': 1200},{'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1600}, {'xx': 1600}, {'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 800}, {'xx': 800}, {'xx': 1000}, {'xx': 1600}, {'xx': 1600}]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=['xx'])
    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'],format = '%b-%y')
    df['xx'] = df.xx.astype('float')
  • The result I am looking for is:

                         xx   yy
    date       type
    2018-01-01 A     1000.0  1.0
               B     1000.0  1.0
    2018-02-01 B     1200.0  1.0
    2018-03-01 A      800.0  1.0
               B      800.0  1.0
               C      800.0  1.0
    2018-04-01 A     1000.0  0.0
               B     1000.0  0.0
    2018-05-01 B      800.0  0.0
    2018-06-01 A     1200.0  1.0
               B     1200.0  0.0
               C     1200.0  1.0
    2018-07-01 A     1000.0  0.0
    2018-08-01 B     1000.0  0.0
               C     1000.0  1.0
    2018-09-01 A     1600.0  1.0
               B     1600.0  1.0
    2018-10-01 C     1000.0  0.0
               A      800.0  0.0
               B      800.0  0.0
    2018-11-01 A     1000.0  0.0
    2018-12-01 B     1600.0  0.0
               C     1600.0  1.0
  • I tried the following code, but it doesn't work (it gives an errror message):

    df['yy'] = df.assign(zz=(df.groupby(['type','xx']).first())).zz.transform(lambda x: 1)

The error message says

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 0, placement implies 1.

I tried other metodhos, such as nth(0), but it doesn't work either. Any suggestion of how solving this problem is very welcome.

like image 794
Mario Arend Avatar asked May 13 '19 20:05

Mario Arend

4 Answers


df['yy'] = (df.groupby(level=1).xx
              .apply(lambda x: (~x.duplicated()).astype(int))



date        type
2018-01-01  A       1
            B       1
2018-02-01  B       1
2018-03-01  A       1
            B       1
            C       1
2018-04-01  A       0
            B       0
2018-05-01  B       0
2018-06-01  A       1
            B       0
            C       1
2018-07-01  A       0
2018-08-01  B       0
            C       1
2018-09-01  A       1
            B       1
2018-10-01  C       0
            A       0
            B       0
2018-11-01  A       0
2018-12-01  B       0
            C       1
Name: yy, dtype: int32
like image 89
Quang Hoang Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Quang Hoang

Using groupby + cumcount + astype :

df['yy'] = df.reset_index().groupby(['type','xx']).cumcount().eq(0).astype(int).values


                     xx  yy
date       type            
2018-01-01 A     1000.0   1
           B     1000.0   1
2018-02-01 B     1200.0   1
2018-03-01 A      800.0   1
           B      800.0   1
           C      800.0   1
2018-04-01 A     1000.0   0
           B     1000.0   0
2018-05-01 B      800.0   0
2018-06-01 A     1200.0   1
           B     1200.0   0
           C     1200.0   1
2018-07-01 A     1000.0   0
2018-08-01 B     1000.0   0
           C     1000.0   1
2018-09-01 A     1600.0   1
           B     1600.0   1
2018-10-01 C     1000.0   0
           A      800.0   0
           B      800.0   0
2018-11-01 A     1000.0   0
2018-12-01 B     1600.0   0
           C     1600.0   1
like image 45
Yuca Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10



  • Generate of list of tuples with type and xx
  • Wrap it in a pandas.Series because I want to use the pandas.Series.duplicated method
  • Use numpy.where to choose between 0 and 1

Note: This does not use groupby and consequently should be more efficient.

s = pd.Series([*zip(df.index.get_level_values('type'), df.xx)])
df.assign(id=np.where(s.duplicated(), 0, 1))

                     xx  id
date       type            
2018-01-01 A     1000.0   1
           B     1000.0   1
2018-02-01 B     1200.0   1
2018-03-01 A      800.0   1
           B      800.0   1
           C      800.0   1
2018-04-01 A     1000.0   0
           B     1000.0   0
2018-05-01 B      800.0   0
2018-06-01 A     1200.0   1
           B     1200.0   0
           C     1200.0   1
2018-07-01 A     1000.0   0
2018-08-01 B     1000.0   0
           C     1000.0   1
2018-09-01 A     1600.0   1
           B     1600.0   1
2018-10-01 C     1000.0   0
           A      800.0   0
           B      800.0   0
2018-11-01 A     1000.0   0
2018-12-01 B     1600.0   0
           C     1600.0   1
like image 4
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10



                     xx  new
date       type             
2018-01-01 A     1000.0    1
           B     1000.0    1
2018-02-01 B     1200.0    1
2018-03-01 A      800.0    1
           B      800.0    1
           C      800.0    1
2018-04-01 A     1000.0    0
           B     1000.0    0
2018-05-01 B      800.0    0
2018-06-01 A     1200.0    1
           B     1200.0    0
           C     1200.0    1
2018-07-01 A     1000.0    0
2018-08-01 B     1000.0    0
           C     1000.0    1
2018-09-01 A     1600.0    1
           B     1600.0    1
2018-10-01 C     1000.0    0
           A      800.0    0
           B      800.0    0
2018-11-01 A     1000.0    0
2018-12-01 B     1600.0    0
           C     1600.0    1
like image 1
BENY Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10