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Constraining class generic type to a Tuple

  1. I'd like do create a class with one generic TKey, where TKey is one of System.Tuple types that can be created.

    public class Class1<TKey> where TKey : System.Tuple
           /// Class Stuff Goes Here where TKey is one of the 8 tuple 
               types found in the link in (1)

I am not so sure how to implement this. The goal is to prevent myself from implementing a class for each tuple class.

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Maelstrom Yamato Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 19:03

Maelstrom Yamato

4 Answers

You can't as others have stated, but you can almost do it.

So all the Tuple<...> classes have a signature like this:

public class Tuple<T1, ...> : 

All of those interfaces save ITuple are public (ITuple is an internal interface), so you can try crafting something like so:

public interface ITupleKey<TKey>
    where TKey : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable

"But wait!", you say, "How can I be sure nothing else is implementing those interfaces?"

Well, you can't. But like I said, this is just an almost way - luckily, IStructuralEquatable and IStructuralComparable are only (at the framework level, naturally) used in the following types:


So it's pretty close. Combine this with a runtime check that TKey actually is some variant of Tuple, and you might have what you need.


Some basic usage:

public class Class1<TKey> 
    where TKey : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable

// will compile
var classTup1 = new Class1<Tuple<int>>();
var classTup2 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int>>();
var classTup3 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int,int>>();
var classTup4 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int,int,int>>();
var classTup5 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int,int,int,int>>();

// won't compile
var badclassTup1 = new Class1<int>();
var badclassTup2 = new Class1<string>();
var badclassTup3 = new Class1<object>();

And, because I've clearly gone insane, let's see what's possible here:

public class Class1<TKey> 
    where TKey : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable
    public Class1(TKey key)
        Key = key;
        TupleRank = typeof(TKey).GetGenericArguments().Count();
        TupleSubtypes = typeof(TKey).GetGenericArguments();
        Console.WriteLine("Key type is a Tuple (I think) with {0} elements", TupleRank);
        TupleGetters = 
            Enumerable.Range(1, TupleRank)
                .Select(i => typeof(TKey).GetProperty(string.Concat("Item",i.ToString())))
                .Select(pi => pi.GetGetMethod())
                .Select(getter => Delegate.CreateDelegate(

    public int TupleRank {get; private set;}
    public IEnumerable<Type> TupleSubtypes {get; private set;}
    public IList<Delegate> TupleGetters {get; private set;}
    public TKey Key {get; private set;}

    public object this[int rank]
        get { return TupleGetters[rank].DynamicInvoke(null);}
    public void DoSomethingUseful()
        for(int i=0; i<TupleRank; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Key value for {0}:{1}", string.Concat("Item", i+1), this[i]);

Test rig:

var classTup1 = new Class1<Tuple<int>>(Tuple.Create(1));
var classTup2 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int>>(Tuple.Create(1,2));
var classTup3 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int,int>>(Tuple.Create(1,2,3));
var classTup4 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int,int,int>>(Tuple.Create(1,2,3,4));
var classTup5 = new Class1<Tuple<int,int,int,int,int>>(Tuple.Create(1,2,3,4,5));



Key type is a Tuple (I think) with 1 elements
Key type is a Tuple (I think) with 2 elements
Key type is a Tuple (I think) with 3 elements
Key type is a Tuple (I think) with 4 elements
Key type is a Tuple (I think) with 5 elements
Key value for Item1:1
Key value for Item1:1
Key value for Item2:2
Key value for Item1:1
Key value for Item2:2
Key value for Item3:3
Key value for Item1:1
Key value for Item2:2
Key value for Item3:3
Key value for Item4:4
Key value for Item1:1
Key value for Item2:2
Key value for Item3:3
Key value for Item4:4
Key value for Item5:5
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JerKimball Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11


I'm surprised no one suggested that you constrain your class (or in my case a method) based on the ITuple interface. To illustrate your example:

public class Class1<T> where T : ITuple

You need to reference the System.Runtime.CompilerServices assembly.

My particular use case is one where I wanted to iterate though a collection of tuples of unknown shape. My solution was along the lines of:

public static void ProcessTupleCollection<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection) where T: ITuple
    var type = typeof(T);
    var fields = type.GetFields();
    foreach (var item in collection)
        foreach (var field in fields)

I know this is an old one but I hope this helps those who might stumble upon it :)

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Yosef Bernal Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Yosef Bernal

You cannot do this, for two reasons.

First, you can't do "or" constraints on generic types. You could have to have a constraint on Tuple<T1, T2> or Tuple<T1, T2, T3>. This is not possible.

Second, you would need to "pass through" generic arguments, like so:

public class Class1<TKey, T1, T2> where TKey : System.Tuple<T1, T2>

So, you would need a variable number of generic type arguments for your class, and this is not supported either.

Unless there is a specific reason why TKey absolutely has to be one of the tuple classes, leave it unconstrained.

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cdhowie Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11


You can't. The different generic variants of Tuple does not have a reasonable common base class or interface.

The purpose of generic constraint is to tell the compiler what members the generic type is expected to have.

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Albin Sunnanbo Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

Albin Sunnanbo