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Is Application_Error in global.asax really the way to handle errors? [closed]




The other day I appeared in interview, the interviewer asked me what is the purpose of global.asax. I said it is for catching specific events like Session_Start etc. He then said how do you do exception handling in your code? I said we wrap the statements in try catch block. He then said would you do this for all button click events in your code? That is so tedious and repetitive. Where does OOP come into picture here? He said you should always catch errors in Application_Error in global.asax. I said OOP does not say that you should catch all errors in this event. We should always catch specific exceptions and that should be in those respective handlers. We fell in quite a quarrel during interview and I straightforward said on his face that I do not agree with you.

Can you tell me how do you all handle exceptions on server side?

Thanks in advance :)

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TCM Avatar asked May 16 '11 15:05


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1 Answers

The short answer I have found is you code the way that you are instructed to code even when you disagree with it if you want to keep the job.

However if you only catch the errors in the Global.asax then you lose out on local variable debugging, and graceful error handling. Errors handled in the Global.asax generally do not fail gracefully.

I do generally catch any unhandled errors in the Global.asax but to me only handling this here is like not having brakes on the car because it has airbags. (Yes i love Metaphors)

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Chad Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 07:11
