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console.log() doesn't work anymore in Firebug since Firefox 51.0.1

I've just updated firefox to a Firefox 51.0.1 (32-bit), and after the update console.log stopped working.

When I am tring to test some JavaScript variables using console.log(), it doesn't output anything.

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user3351236 Avatar asked Jan 30 '17 10:01


People also ask

How to write in Firefox console?

For single-line entry, you can type JavaScript expressions in the field at the bottom of the console log, at the >> prompt. To enter expressions in single-line mode, type at the prompt and press Enter . To enter multi-line expressions, press Shift + Enter after typing each line, then Enter to run all the entered lines.

What is the browser console for?

The browser developer console is a tool which logs the information associated with a web application, such as network requests and errors. The information printed to the developer console can be helpful for the Screenful support team when we're trying to figure out how to solve an issue.

1 Answers

As I mentioned in another answer, this happens because the Firefox internal APIs, which Firebug uses to output the data, have changed. When you open the Browser Console, you'll see the following error:

TypeError: ConsoleAPIListener is not a constructor console.js:149:38

Note that, as stated in a thread in the Firebug discussion group and on the Firebug homepage, Firebug is discontinued and unmaintained. I.e. it breaks more and more with every new version of Firefox and will quit working completely once multi-process Firefox is enabled. There is a blog post explaining the reasons.

The team behind Firebug advises to use the Firefox DevTools instead and there is a migration guide available.

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Sebastian Zartner Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10

Sebastian Zartner