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Connection with adb was interrupted, and attempts to reconnect have failed



My computer become slow because of running different application then i delete some process from window task manager. Unfortunately in this time adb.exe is also delete. I try restart the eclipse and reconnect the my mobile to usb port but doesnot work properly.Only remaining the restart my computer, so how to fix this problem.

 [2011-10-12 15:09:00 - Ultimate Jokes] ------------------------------
 [2011-10-12 15:09:00 - Ultimate Jokes] Android Launch!
 [2011-10-12 15:09:00 - Ultimate Jokes] Connection with adb was interrupted, and attempts to reconnect have failed.
 [2011-10-12 15:09:00 - Ultimate Jokes] 5 attempts have been made to restart adb.
 [2011-10-12 15:09:00 - Ultimate Jokes] You may want to manually restart adb from the Devices view.
like image 875
Horrorgoogle Avatar asked Oct 12 '11 09:10


People also ask

How do I fix my adb exe has stopped working?

Can you try to restart the adb server via Tools -> Android -> Restart Adb Server? It might be worth updating the Android platform-tools on your computer manually using the SDK manager to the latest version. You might have an old version of adb that is failing in some way.

2 Answers

Another trick is to disable and then reenable USB debugging on you phone. While doing that pulling out the usb cable and putting it back in also helps.

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Kirill Rakhman Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Kirill Rakhman

Happens quite often. It's annoying buggy.

I normally go into Task Manager and end the process adb.exe. Try to run the app again and it normally says it's reconnecting. After a short time (normally by the 12th attempt) it'll kick into life.

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Ricky Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
