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Connection to SQL Server Works Sometimes

People also ask

Why is SQL Server not connecting?

normally means that there is no MySQL server running on the system or that you are using an incorrect Unix socket file name or TCP/IP port number when trying to connect to the server. You should also check that the TCP/IP port you are using has not been blocked by a firewall or port blocking service.

How do you resolve connection timeout in SQL?

If you encounter a connection-timeout error, follow the steps: Increase the connection-timeout parameter. If you use an application to connect to SQL Server, increase the relevant connection-timeout parameter values and check whether the connection eventually succeeds.

What to Do If SQL Server is not responding?

You can kill SQL Server with "KILL sqlservr.exe". The KILL command is in the NT resource kit. It can then be started with NET START MSSQLSERVER. ONLY do this if SQL Server does not respond to a normal shutdown or NET STOP MSSQLSERVER command.

It turned out that TCP/IP was enabled for the IPv4 address, but not for the IPv6 address, of THESERVER.

Apparently some connection attempts ended up using IPv4 and others used IPv6.

Enabling TCP/IP for both IP versions resolved the issue.

The fact that SSMS worked turned out to be coincidental (the first few attempts presumably used IPv4). Some later attempts to connect through SSMS resulted in the same error message.

To enable TCP/IP for additional IP addresses:

  • Start Sql Server Configuration Manager
  • Open the node SQL Server Network Configuration
  • Left-click Protocols for MYSQLINSTANCE
  • In the right-hand pane, right-click TCP/IP
  • Click Properties
  • Select the IP Addresses tab
  • For each listed IP address, ensure Active and Enabled are both Yes.

Ive had the same error just come up which aligned suspiciously with the latest round of Microsoft updates (09/02/2016). I found that SSMS connected without issue while my ASP.NET application returned the "timeout period elapsed while attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgement" error

The solution for me was to add a connection timeout of 30 seconds into the connection string eg:

ConnectionString="Data Source=xyz;Initial Catalog=xyz;Integrated Security=True;Connection Timeout=30;"

In my situation the only affected connection was one that was using integrated Security and I was impersonating a user before connecting, other connections to the same server using SQL Authentication worked fine!

2 test systems (separate clients and Sql servers) were affected at the same time leading me to suspect a microsoft update!

I solved the problem like Eric but with some other changes:

  • Start Sql Server Configuration Manager
  • Open the node SQL Server Network Configuration
  • Left-click Protocols for MYSQLINSTANCE
  • In the right-hand pane, right-click TCP/IP
  • Click Properties
  • Select the IP Addresses tab
  • For each listed IP address, ensure Active and Enabled are both Yes.


  • For each listed IP address, ensure TCP Dynamic Ports is empty and TCP Port = 1433 (or some other port)
  • Open windows firewall and check that the port is Opened in Incoming connections

I had the same problem, trying to connect to a server in a local network (through VPN) from Visual Studio, while setting up an Entity Data Model.
Managed to solve only by setting TransparentNetworkIPResolution=false in the connection string. In VS Add Connection Wizard, you can find it in the Advanced tab.

I had the same handshake issue when connection to a hosted server.

I opened my Network and sharing center and enabled IPv6 on my wireless network connection.

enter image description here

I fixed this error on Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 by enabling IPv6 and unblocking the inbound port 1433.