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SQL Server CTE and recursion example

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What is recursive CTE in SQL Server with example?

A Recursive CTE is a CTE that references itself. The CTE repeatedly executes, returns subsets of data, until it returns the complete result set. Syntax. WITH cte_name AS ( cte_query_definition (or) initial query -- Anchor member UNION ALL recursive_query with condition -- Recursive member ) SELECT * FROM cte_name.

What is CTE in SQL Server example?

CTE was introduced in SQL Server 2005, the common table expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. You can also use a CTE in a CREATE a view, as part of the view's SELECT query.

How many times recursion happen in CTE?

The reason behind this error is that by default, maximum number of recursion allowed for CTE is 100.

What is recursive and non recursive CTE in SQL?

If a query defines a CTE with a particular name, the CTE takes precedence over tables, etc. A CTE can be recursive or non-recursive. A recursive CTE is a CTE that references itself. A recursive CTE can join a table to itself as many times as necessary to process hierarchical data in the table.

I haven't tested your code, just tried to help you understand how it operates in comment;

  cteReports (EmpID, FirstName, LastName, MgrID, EmpLevel)
-->>>>>>>>>>Block 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-- In a rCTE, this block is called an [Anchor]
-- The query finds all root nodes as described by WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
    SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, ManagerID, 1
    FROM Employees
-->>>>>>>>>>Block 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-->>>>>>>>>>Block 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    
-- This is the recursive expression of the rCTE
-- On the first "execution" it will query data in [Employees],
-- relative to the [Anchor] above.
-- This will produce a resultset, we will call it R{1} and it is JOINed to [Employees]
-- as defined by the hierarchy
-- Subsequent "executions" of this block will reference R{n-1}
    SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.ManagerID,
      r.EmpLevel + 1
    FROM Employees e
      INNER JOIN cteReports r
        ON e.ManagerID = r.EmpID
-->>>>>>>>>>Block 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS FullName,
  (SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName FROM Employees
    WHERE EmployeeID = cteReports.MgrID) AS Manager
FROM cteReports
ORDER BY EmpLevel, MgrID

The simplest example of a recursive CTE I can think of to illustrate its operation is;

;WITH Numbers AS
    SELECT n = 1
    SELECT n + 1
    FROM Numbers
    WHERE n+1 <= 10
FROM Numbers

Q 1) how value of N is getting incremented. if value is assign to N every time then N value can be incremented but only first time N value was initialize.

A1: In this case, N is not a variable. N is an alias. It is the equivalent of SELECT 1 AS N. It is a syntax of personal preference. There are 2 main methods of aliasing columns in a CTE in T-SQL. I've included the analog of a simple CTE in Excel to try and illustrate in a more familiar way what is happening.

--  Outside
;WITH CTE (MyColName) AS
    SELECT 1
-- Inside
    SELECT 1 AS MyColName
    -- Or
    SELECT MyColName = 1  
    -- Etc...


Q 2) now here about CTE and recursion of employee relation the moment i add two manager and add few more employee under second manager then problem start. i want to display first manager detail and in the next rows only those employee details will come those who are subordinate of that manager


Does this code answer your question?

-- Synthesise table with non-recursive CTE
;WITH Employee (ID, Name, MgrID) AS 
    SELECT 1,      'Keith',      NULL   UNION ALL
    SELECT 2,      'Josh',       1      UNION ALL
    SELECT 3,      'Robin',      1      UNION ALL
    SELECT 4,      'Raja',       2      UNION ALL
    SELECT 5,      'Tridip',     NULL   UNION ALL
    SELECT 6,      'Arijit',     5      UNION ALL
    SELECT 7,      'Amit',       5      UNION ALL
    SELECT 8,      'Dev',        6   
-- Recursive CTE - Chained to the above CTE
,Hierarchy AS
    --  Anchor
            ,nLevel = 1
            ,Family = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Name)
    FROM Employee

    --  Recursive query
    FROM Employee   E
    JOIN Hierarchy  H ON E.MgrID = H.ID
FROM Hierarchy
ORDER BY Family, nLevel

Another one sql with tree structure

SELECT ID,space(nLevel+
                    (CASE WHEN nLevel > 1 THEN nLevel ELSE 0 END)
FROM Hierarchy
ORDER BY Family, nLevel

The execution process is really confusing with recursive CTE, I found the best answer at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186243(v=sql.105).aspx and the abstract of the CTE execution process is as below.

The semantics of the recursive execution is as follows:

  1. Split the CTE expression into anchor and recursive members.
  2. Run the anchor member(s) creating the first invocation or base result set (T0).
  3. Run the recursive member(s) with Ti as an input and Ti+1 as an output.
  4. Repeat step 3 until an empty set is returned.
  5. Return the result set. This is a UNION ALL of T0 to Tn.

Would like to outline a brief semantic parallel to an already correct answer.

In 'simple' terms, a recursive CTE can be semantically defined as the following parts:

1: The CTE query. Also known as ANCHOR.

2: The recursive CTE query on the CTE in (1) with UNION ALL (or UNION or EXCEPT or INTERSECT) so the ultimate result is accordingly returned.

3: The corner/termination condition. Which is by default when there are no more rows/tuples returned by the recursive query.

A short example that will make the picture clear:

;WITH SupplierChain_CTE(supplier_id, supplier_name, supplies_to, level)
SELECT S.supplier_id, S.supplier_name, S.supplies_to, 0 as level
FROM Supplier S
WHERE supplies_to = -1    -- Return the roots where a supplier supplies to no other supplier directly


-- The recursive CTE query on the SupplierChain_CTE
SELECT S.supplier_id, S.supplier_name, S.supplies_to, level + 1
FROM Supplier S
ON S.supplies_to = SC.supplier_id
-- Use the CTE to get all suppliers in a supply chain with levels
SELECT * FROM SupplierChain_CTE

Explanation: The first CTE query returns the base suppliers (like leaves) who do not supply to any other supplier directly (-1)

The recursive query in the first iteration gets all the suppliers who supply to the suppliers returned by the ANCHOR. This process continues till the condition returns tuples.

UNION ALL returns all the tuples over the total recursive calls.

Another good example can be found here.

PS: For a recursive CTE to work, the relations must have a hierarchical (recursive) condition to work on. Ex: elementId = elementParentId.. you get the point.