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Connecting to rabbitmq docker container from service in another container

I've done a lot of searching but I cannot fix this issue.

I have a basic Rabbitmq container running via this command:

docker run -d --hostname rabbitmqhost --name rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

I am using nameko to create a microservice which connects to this container. Here's a basic microservice module main.py:

from nameko.rpc import rpc
class Service_Name(object):
    name = "service_name"

    def service_endpoint(self, arg=None):
        logging.info('service_one endpoint, arg = %s', arg)

This service runs and connects to the rabbitmq from my host machine with the command:

nameko run main --broker amqp://guest:guest@localhost

I wanted to put the service into a Docker container (called service_one) but when I do so and run the previous nameko command I get socket.error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED no matter how I try and link the two containers.

What would be the correct method? The aim is to have each service in a container, all talking to each other through rabbit. Thanks.

like image 908
steve Avatar asked Nov 12 '16 13:11


People also ask

How do I access RabbitMQ Docker container?

If you open your Docker engine, you will see the RbbitMQ container set and running. If you open http://localhost:15672/ on a browser, you will be able to access the management Ui, and now you can log in using the docker-compose set username and password. And now you can see the RabbitMQ instance is up and running.

How do I use RabbitMQ with Docker?

Open a terminal, navigate to your rabbitmq-go folder and run docker-compose up . This command will pull the rabbitmq:3-management-alpine image, create the container rabbitmq and start the service and webUI. You should see something like this: Once you see this, open your browser and head over to http://localhost:15672.

1 Answers

If you're running a service inside a container, then amqp://guest:guest@localhost won't do you any good; localhost refers to the network namespace of the container...so of course you get an ECONNREFUSED, because there's nothing listening there.

If you want to connect to a service in another container, you need to use the ip address of that container, or a hostname that resolves to the ip address of that container.

If you are running your containers in a user-defined network, then Docker maintains a DNS server that will map container names to addresses. That is, if I first create a network:

docker network create myapp_net

And then start a rabbitmq container in that network:

docker run -d --network myapp_net --hostname rabbitmqhost \
   --name rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

Then other containers started in that network will be able to use the hostname rabbitmq to connect to that container.

For containers running in the default network (no --network parameter on the command line), you can use the --link option to achieve a similar, though less flexible, effect, as documented here.

like image 186
larsks Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
