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Connect to Oracle DB using sqlplus

I am using below command in Unix environment to connect to Oracle database:

sqlplus test/test@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=hostname.com )(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=mysid))'

But I am getting below error:

Use SQL*Plus to execute SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus statements.

Usage 1: sqlplus -H | -V

    -H             Displays the SQL*Plus version and the
                   usage help.
    -V             Displays the SQL*Plus version.

Usage 2: sqlplus [ [<option>] [{logon | /nolog}] [<start>] ]

  <option> is: [-C <version>] [-L] [-M "<options>"] [-R <level>] [-S]

Please help me where I am doing mistake in using the command.

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Chaitanya Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 14:03


4 Answers

try this: sqlplus USER/PW@//hostname:1521/SID

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Alexander Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10


sqlplus username/password@database


sqlplus hr/hr@orcl

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Santhosh Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10


Different ways to connect Oracle Database from Unix user are:

[oracle@OLE1 ~]$ sqlplus scott/tiger

[oracle@OLE1 ~]$ sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl

[oracle@OLE1 ~]$ sqlplus scott/[email protected]:1521/orcl

[oracle@OLE1 ~]$ sqlplus scott/tiger@//


Please see the explanation at link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45064809/6332029


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Rajesh Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10


Easy way (using XE):

1). Configure your tnsnames.ora

XE =

You can replace HOST.DOMAIN.COM with IP address, the TCP port by default is 1521 (ckeck it) and look that name of this configuration is XE

2). Using your app named sqlplus:

sqlplus SYSTEM@XE

SYSTEM should be replaced with an authorized USER, and put your password when prompt appear

3). See at firewall for any possibilities of some blocked TCP ports and fix it if appear

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Daniel Antonio Nuñez Carhuayo Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Daniel Antonio Nuñez Carhuayo