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Connect to docker-compose network using docker run

Let say I have running orchestration with docker-compose with docker-compose.yml looking like this:

version: '2.2'


    # ...
      - compose_network

    # ...
      - compose_network


I aim to run and connect temporarily one container to compose_network_1. I tried using

$ docker run --net=compose_network <image for the job>

but I could not connect. I am also aware that docker-compose names the networks as [projectname]_default, so I also tried that variant, but with same result.

Is there a way I can accomplish that?

like image 327
Nixwill Avatar asked Oct 14 '18 16:10


People also ask

How do I connect to docker from running?

To connect to a container using plain docker commands, you can use docker exec and docker attach . docker exec is a lot more popular because you can run a new command that allows you to spawn a new shell. You can check processes, files and operate like in your local environment.

How do I connect two docker compose networks?

Create an external network with docker network create <network name> In each of your docker-compose. yml configure the default network to use your externally created network with the networks top-level key. You can use either the service name or container name to connect between containers.

2 Answers

I'm not sure if the --net option ever existed but it's now --network.

From docker run --help:

      --network string   Connect a container to a network (default "default")

As @maxm notes you can find the network name, with the DIR prefix of the compose project directory, then simply run it as you were trying:

$ docker run --network=DIR_compose_network <image for the job>

I wanted to connect on run as my container is transient (running tests) so I can't use a second docker network command in time before it quits.

e.g. for my docker composition in a "dev" folder with no network name specified so uses the docker-compose "default" name, therefore I get the name dev_default.

docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
2c660d9ed0ba        bridge              bridge              local
b81db348e773        dev_default         bridge              local
ecb0eb6e93a5        host                host                local

docker run -it --network dev_default myimage

This connects the new docker container to the existing docker-compose network.

like image 90
scipilot Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 09:11


The network name is going to be something like name-of-directory_compose_network. Find the name with docker network ls

I had success with:

docker-compose up # within directory ./demo
docker run -itd -p "8000:8000" --hostname=hello "crccheck/hello-world"
# outputs: 1e502f65070c9e2da7615c5175d5fc00c49ebdcb18962ea83a0b24ee0440da2b
docker network connect --alias hello demo_compose_network 1e502f65070c

I could then curl hello:8000 from inside my docker compose containers. Should be the exact same functionality as your commands, just with an added alias.

like image 7
maxm Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 09:11
