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docker python custom module not found

I am new to docker and trying to move one simple application to docker. Python standard modules I am able to import using "pip install". However, I have some custom python utility files that I would like to use. These files are in separate package "utils".

In my main python file : test.py, I am doing

from utils import math.py, logger.py

This outside of docker works fine, but when running through docker gives me the error "ImportError: No module named utils".

My Dockerfile code:

FROM python:2.7.11
ADD ./ test_project/
WORKDIR test_project
ENV PATH=$PATH:/test_project/utils
ENV PYTHONPATH /test_project/utils

CMD [ "python", "report/test.py"]

My directory structure:

  • test_project
    • report
    • utils

Any suggestions?

like image 876
Dadu Avatar asked Jan 24 '17 00:01


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1 Answers

You set PYTHONPATH to /test_project/utils. When trying resolve the module utils, it is looking for one of:

  • file /test_project/utils/utils.py
  • directory /test_project/utils/utils/ that contains __init__.py.

It looks like you have this?


I wonder if what you really mean to do is

# different path...
ENV PYTHONPATH /test_project

from utils import math
from utils import logger
like image 90
Dan Lowe Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Dan Lowe