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connect firebird client to server



Just started using Firebird with Delphi XE. Need some help connecting to the server from a client machine.

I can ping the server, so there is a connect. but when I run isql.exe from the firebird/bin folder to test the connection I get a "statement failed, sqlstate=08006, unable to complete network request to host geith -failed to establish a network connection". pinging geith works so I don't understand that error.

My connection statement is Connect geith:geidata user sysdba password masterkey;

This works and I get a connect when run on the server, but not the client machine. I have made sure that fbclient.dll and gds32.dll are in windows/system32 folder.

I install Firebird 2.5 client only on the client mach. I don't see it running as a process in taskmanager. Is there something that I need to do to start the client service?

Both are XP mach, Firebird SuperServer 2.5, also have temp taken down firewall

like image 730
TOM SMITH Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 16:11


1 Answers

Insert a firewall except for port 3050

like image 150
dataol Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 07:12
